Ex-friend More Like Ex-bitch

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Carson was pretty pissed after the whole Jordyn incident but he needed to understand that he needs to show some commitment in our relationship. I also don't understand why he can't let that bitch go. She's not even that great! Carson has tried to escape once so he'll probably try to do it again. But when he does I'll be ready... 

When I'm at school I long to see Carson. I love him and he loves me. Don't make that face, he does love me! I've been pretty lonely after Cara ditched me for Brandon. And she hasn't spoken to me since! She's such a bitch. I almost hate her as much as I hate Jordyn! Brandon and the popular kids entered the lunch hall with a girl that I didn't recognise. Then I realised who it was. It was Cara, but she had ditched her usual glasses and overall and instead was wearing heavy makeup and had straightened her hair A/N In another chapter I said Cara's hair was auburn but I'm changing it to brown just so you know. She was also wearing a tight white lace crop top with an even tighter matching skirt. I didn't even know that she owned clothes like that! With her new look she fitted right in with the other popular kids. But here's the thing that shocked me the most. Brandon had his arm around her waist and she kissed his cheek! Then Brandon kissed her on the lips! I was sitting close enough to hear their conversation. "Your the best boyfriend in the world!" Cara rested her head on Brandon's shoulder. He didn't even know her three days ago and now they're dating! 

"Awwww you guys are so cute! I can't even!" one of their friends, Maddie Ziegler, said. As much as I hate to admit it Maddie was right. Then one of the popular boys, Matt aka MattyB, saw me staring. "Hey guys, that weirdo's staring at us!" he said. From there it all went downhill. 

"She's just jealous!" Jojo Siwa said making the others laugh. God, I wish I could rip out her ponytail!

"Wait, wait! Is it a human?" Jacob Sartorius A/N Just so you know I hate Jacob so don't mistake me for a fan! said which made the others laugh even harder. I looked at Cara who was laughing with the others. I actually cannot believe her! "Okay, can you stop staring at us now?" she said bitchily. I couldn't be bothered to go through anymore of that bullsh*t so I got up and left. I heard Brandon ask, "Who was that girl?" 

"I dunno, she's probably some saddo with no friends I'm guessing," Cara said. How could she say that?! We were best friends! I contemplated about going back to expose that little bitch but I didn't think her popular friends would believe me so I left it. 

This chapter was just an update about how things were going for Cassandra and Cara. Don't worry the next chapter will be going back to Carson. Lmfao Cara's friends are all just famous 13-year-olds if you didn't notice 😂. I changed Johnny Orlando into MattyB because Johnny may or may not make an appearance in a future chapter 😜. And I know I updated yesterday but I updated early for music_lover_365 I would've dedicated the part to her but you can't do it on a mobile device 😁.

Until next time and may the force be with you...

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