How to Lucid Dream: Warnings and Tips!

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    Hello! Today I will be telling you some warnings and great tips for lucid dreaming! I hope this helps you increase your dreams and keep yourself from ruining them ;D! 

 Let's get into the warnings first....


1. If you get too excited when you finally achieve a lucid dream, your dream will end.

2. If you are too still or are not doing anything in your dream you will start to slip. 

3. During some techniques you can experience sleep paralysis. (I'll educate you on that soon.)


1. If you feel as if you are slipping from your dream, simply rub your hands together or keep moving.

2. During your dream you have full control so you can do whatever you desire, including illegal things like... driving under-aged. 

3. Just do whatever, it's limitless!

  That was some warnings and tips on lucid dreaming! If you have any you'd like to share with me, go ahead and tell me or someone. (Preferably me ;)) , (Lol).


 THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!! I hope this information helped you!

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