How to Lucid Dream: Sleep Paralysis!

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 Hello! Today I will be telling you what sleep paralysis is...this isn't very happy though. So...before we get into one of the most helpful technique. (Also the hardest and time consuming.) I will be explaining one of the steps that happens during the technique which is called sleep paralysis.

 Sleep paralysis is a natural occurrence that happens every time you go to sleep. Sleep paralysis helps you NOT act out what you do in your sleep, like for example, you could be street fighting in your dream. In your dream, you are punching, kicking, and hitting your opponent. Sleep paralysis disables you from thrashing around in your sleep or doing anything dangerous and killing yourself. So now you see what it does but not what it is and how it effects you when you're awake and experiencing it. 

 When you are having sleep paralysis, your whole entire body is paralyzed and you are disabled from speaking, moving, or anything pretty much. Experiencing sleep paralysis is different when you are awake, you are awake and it feels as if you are being pushed down onto your bed, like someone is blocking you from moving. It is pretty scary when you are in the middle of experiencing it but there are ways to stop it. 

    One example is to try and wiggle the ends of your fingers and toes, and trying to swallow. This can release you from your sleep paralysis. 

 One thing you should do during sleep paralysis is make it through calm and and to not panic during it and you can end up entering a dream and become lucid. (Part of the next technique.)

     Anyways, that was MY explanation on sleep paralysis and I hoped it helped you understand what it is and how to deal with it. Have a nice day ;)!


 THANK YOU FOR READING THIS CHAPTER!!!!!! Hold up for the next chapter!!!!! 

 By the way, you don't really wait for them....I kind of write them back to back...xD!

 ANYWAYS! I really do hope this chapter helped you with your lucid dreaming ;)!

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