: Visualization Technique :

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It's finally here my readers! This is another technique, I got this from Aaron Doughty on YouTube. Please check him out, I was not told to say this but it'd be best so he doesn't hate me for this haha.

Anyways, onto the technique. We're just going to get right into it.
I want you to find an object, one that you can fit in your hand, but it can't be close to you or make you feel some sort of way. So maybe choose a guitar pick or a pencil not a necklace or piece of jewelry your relative gave you.
Now, sit this object in front of you and stare at it for 5-10 minutes whilst meditating (becoming aware of thoughts and your surroundings). Do this while having your mindset set to you will have this object in your dream tonight and that with signify you're dreaming, now make sure you think playfully, don't try to hard like, "Oh, I wonder what I'll do if this happens.", "I think it'll be fun to try out.", or even that it'd be fun to happen or so.

- Pick a small non-sentimental object.
- Stare at it in a relaxed state.
-Think playfully about lucidity.
- Be aware of your surroundings and the fact you're staring at the object.
-Promise yourself you'll see the object.
-Remember how aware you were in reality when you see it.
- Keep doing this each night to get a result.
- During meditation and before bed, do not think of the results, don't be sad or mad if it doesn't happen either. Just keep trying every night and maybe you'll get the hang of it. It may even happen on the first night you try it.

Have a wonderful day, night or week my lovelies!

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