UPDATE: Lucid Dreaming Story

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Hello everyone! It has been almost two years since I've updated this book and I apologize for that!
Anyways, as many of you may also experience, it is quite difficult for me to lucid dream and I have lost motivation to even try and do so.
Despite my lack of trying, I had a lucid dream naturally! Simply by, napping. I tend to remember my dreams better while napping instead of when I'm simply sleeping during the night.
Now, a warning. This dream is quite strange and NSFW. My lucidity was on and off. I remember experiencing lucidity only twice in my dream which makes me think I may have just been dreaming that I was lucid. If that makes any sense.
Anyways, into the story! 🍿

The beginning is blurry at this point, considering I had this dream almost a week ago. The setting was a living room and kitchen. Where the rooms connected, there was a break in the wall where you could see a black box theater and stage set. I remember at one point, I was standing on top of a house that was apart of the set. I was being subconsciously told what was happening. My ex-boyfriend had made a new Instagram, and was advertising his new play and how successful he was. When I saw him, he was dressed in purple and black, had an extremely square and jutted jaw and had long hair. He honestly looked like a woman. Anyways, there was some dialogue and then we had climbed on top of another building on set. Here, he and his friend stood next to clothing racks. My mother and two other people stood where we had climbed up. They were speaking and I had said something, which caused my mom to say something she could never have known unless she was me. She was saying something one of my online friends had said to me. This is when I first realized I was lucid dreaming. I stated I have to be dreaming and began laughing hysterically. I can still remember the feeling of laughing and how funny I found it.
Cut to the next scene, and I am in the living room. This is where it gets heavily NSFW, but I was not in control of myself at this point. It was very vivid, though. So, two people were leaving from the front door, and beside it was a man who kind of looked like Beck from Victorious. His supposed girlfriend was, well, playing with him. So, smart and horny dream me decided to help her. While I was doing that, I could feel what he was feeling? Obviously not the same considering I'm not a man, but I was feeling his pleasure, I guess. While doing this the two people had come back in the door and said something but I don't know what happened to them. Fast forward, and I had climbed under this surface and it was a tight fit. I was with three girls. One of them said, "where's the lube", and the other girl started looking for it. The one girl turned away to the other side and was doing something and then the other two girls had propped their butts up for me to...you know. ANYWAYS...
The scene had ended, and I was at my local annual fair. I was sitting in front of this food place on a bench with one of the girls from earlier. We had been sneakily doing sinful things there.
Next scene, the side of the food place had a door that you would see in a factory. We went through the door and I decided to do a reality check despite the fact I don't think I was truly lucid. So, I tried to clip my arm through the weird surface. Think of a folded down baby changing station. I had placed my forearm against it, and eventually with a pinch my arm had clipped through it.
The girl had followed some woman into the kitchen.
Next scene, I had walked past this front desk in this huge building. Pretty sure it was a HQ of some company. I walk into this room where there's guard ribbons next to this display and chairs like you would see in a waiting room. Out of one door, there's a giant blow up slide but it leads upwards and it's curving left and right to a door around 30 feet up in the air. The bottom of this room where the slide is located is filled with water. The walls are glass.
I notice an employee walking up the slide and decide to follow. The slide is filled with around 3 feet high of water, making it impossible to walk in, nevertheless walk upwards. Apparently, gravity is nonexistent in my dreams when it wants to be. Anyways, I got to a certain length behind the worker and he turned around. He had a distressed look on his face and said something along the lines of, "you can't be here!" I remembered seeing an "employees only" sign and apologized.
Following that line, I had begun to feel unstable. He grabbed onto me to try and save me but we both fell into the murky water below. There was netting alongside the slide's sides and the slide was no longer in the air? The man said, "it is intermission, do you know how bad that is?!" I'm assuming this meant the water was due to get more aggressive.
So, I grabbed onto the netting and tried to pull myself back to the door I came from. I heard the man say, "you're almost there!" And then I saw water gushing through the door but not from my perspective. I had made it back into the room. An elderly man, not the employee, had spoken to me and I asked where the employee went. There were more people in the "waiting room" and they questioned who I was talking about, "what man?"
I guess he didn't survive.

That's it! It was more so two dreams combined but I figured you guys deserve the full story lol. I don't know why my dreams are so strange and sexual but at least it makes for interesting stories.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I may update soon with more facts than my own personal experiences ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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