Chapter 10 "Your not making it any easier Angel"

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Recap: I just followed behind him.

Adrian's Pov

After 10 minutes of driving Ethan and I get to this place and it looks abandon, if I didn't totally trust Ethan I would probably be turning this car around and just trying to get away. He could even probably murder me but anyways not the point.

The structure of the building is rusty but I don't think it matters because I see a lot of cars parked around here. Racing must be popular, Ethan parks closest to the building and so do I, right next to his.

He gets out and I repeat his actions.

"Your not going to murder me right? Because this place has a sort of vibe to it and you know if you are I could get a 5 second head star-"

Ethan looked at me as if I was crazy and started laughing at me, in which case wasn't funny I mean at least tell the girl.

"No Adrian I'm not here to murder you but we do have to walk but not much as you can see this is the parking lot, now stop questioning and follow me."

Since when did he become bossy? We were walking side by side and when we kept getting closer and closer to the race track I can hear loud music booming out of speakers, a lot of guys and girls scattered around the place, an outside bar, and obviously cars that were racing.

I don't know how but all this makes adrenaline pump through my veins the excitement, the rush you get, though racing may be dangerous but it's worth it.

Ethan grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd and we finally spotted Grayson but he wasn't the one to catch my eye it was actually the guy next to him Damon...

We walked straight toward them but Damon hadn't looked my way yet because he was talking to this chic, there was this feeling I couldn't describe but it was probably nothing.

"Hey Grayson" he just nodded and looked away typical Grayson but once Damon heard my voice all his attention was turned towards me.

"Hey Damon this is my friend Adrian the girl I was talking to you about."

Wait they knew each other? Okay I am completely lost.

"Ethan umm me and Damon kind of already know each other."

By the look Ethan gave me I could tell he was both surprised and confused, so I just answered his question.

"Me and him both met at the Animal Clinic and we just sort of hit it off that's literally all that happened."

Ethan just nodded and smiled no words whatsoever so I'll just leave it at that.

The girl that Damon was talking to earlier is literally sending death glares towards me because Damon started ignoring her jealous bitch.

"So Damon you racing tonight?"

He looked intrigued but I think Ethan did tell me that his friend was one of the top racers so I'm going on my gut.

"Yeah actually in about 10 minutes, you want to go get a quick drink?"

Should I? I mean I kind of did swear off drinks because of the hang overs I got in college it just wasn't working out.

"I don't know Damon I'm not really a drinker."

He grabbed my hand and took me towards the bar, the funny thing is I didn't want to let go of his hand, I felt electricity every touch he gave me but maybe it happens all the time I should just ignore it.

He talks to the bartender and orders 2 vodkas obviously one for me and one for him.

"Damon I don't really want to come on its bad I get hell of bad hang overs"

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