The First One

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  • Dedicated to Lucy Bergeron

A/N: hey! This is a Percy Jackson fan fiction. Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and I I did I would be Percy's girlfriend. comment and share. Thanks. Also who should play Alexandra(Lexa)

Life, love, happiness means nothing to me anymore. I can't do this anymore. Everyone I love leaves me and it started when my brother disappeared after he found that his girlfriend had cheated on him with a newbie camper. But first let me introduce myself.

My name is Alexandra Artemis Jackson. Yes I am the sister of the famous Perseus Jackson. I am five foot six inches with jet black hair and piercing sea-green eyes. I have a natural tan and I am the daughter of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, god of the sea. I specialize in sword fighting, hand to hand combat and I love throwing knives. Like my brother, I cannot shoot a bow for my life. I am named after the goddess of archery but sadly no blessing comes with that.

My brother is my twin. His name is Perseus Poseidon Jackson and he is two minutes older than me and never fails to remind me of that. He would be eighteen tomorrow but he went missing after he found his girlfriend Annabeth Chase cheating on him on their three year anniversary. It has been a year and Hades says that he is not dead but then where is he?

The first betrayal in the day was my mom.


"Lexa! Can you come here for a sec?" I hear my mom call from the kitchen.

"Yep! One sec!!" I yell back as I close my math textbook and put away my homework. I walked into the kitchen. "Ya hollered ma?" She sighed and nodded. Now I was kind of worried she almost never sighs.

"Lex I am pregnant. With a human child" she said stressing the word human.

"Omg!omg!omg! I'm gonna be a big sister!!!!" I squealed jumping up and down. My mom looked down. "Mom?" I stop jumping and look at her. "What's wrong?"

"You know I love you right," she starts. I nod. "Well you are not going to be allowed to be in his or her life." I gape at her. When she sees that I am about o ask why she says "I want them to be living a pure human life. No gods or monsters nothing out of the ordinary. " I couldn't say anything. I was in shock. My mom didn't want me. I slowly back out of the room

"I have to go" I whispered. I ran out of the apartment with a backpack. But that was only the beginning of the pain that I felt.

A/N: that's chapter 1 and I hope you like it! Comment and vote. Thanks loves! Any criticism is more than welcome

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