Catching Up

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i know its been a long time and im sorry so ill try to make this extra long just for you guys. thanks for sticking with this story. also sorry for Any typos cuz ya....enjoy..




Last Time:

Dracaene and empusai slithered towards us and lined up in a pathetic excuse of a blockade. The four of us exchange grins before charging.


It wasn't as hard to get out of the dungeon area especially because almost all of us were familiar with each others' fighting styles. Except of course Percy with Jon and vice versa, but it wasn't a problem.

The battle only lasted an hour and it lasted that long because the stupid 'leaders' were hiding and running like cowards.

After the battle, Percy, Jon and I flew back to camp with the rest of the fighters following on foot. "Who is Caya?" Jon asked me on our way back.

"Caya is my sister from another mister, she is my best friend. We have been best friends since we were born. We went to school together and imagine our surprise when we were both demigods! When we get to camp, Caya and I can tell you about our adventures.

Jon grins at me with a triumphant smile. "Yanno we beat them," he said yawning.

"Yes bud, I know. I also know that you, my quickly growing child, have just successfully completed a mission."

"N'ver thought 'bout it," he mumbles before burying his face into my arm.
I sigh and after making sure that Jon was secure, I shot off, speeding in front of percy, challenging him to a race back to camp. It was a frustrating tie but neither of us cared too much. We sat in the middle of the two camps. The section that was basically no mans land. No one could harm the other group in the area.

"What's on your mind bro?" I ask him after a few minutes of unusual silence. We had tucked Jon in when we got in even though it was almost 3 in the afternoon.

He sighs. "It's Artemis."

I give him a bewildered look. "Have they been up to there horrible pranks again, cuz I swear to god if they have done absolutely anyth-"

"Lex!" Percy barks trying to stray my attention away from plotting the death of the hunters. "I, I don't know. I visited Aphrodite. Like right before you got here."

That makes me fall silent immediately. I place a hand on top of his, which was resting on his knees, encouraging him to continue.

"I think, I-I'm in love. Again. Except not only am I now a guardian and practically sworn off women from what Annabeth did but, Lex, she's a hunter. And if that's not bad enough, she is a Maiden goddess. Key word maiden. She's sworn a oath. Agh. I just don't know what to do," my brother unloads to me.

"Percy, you have been through so much and get stronger and smarter every time. Ultimately it's your call but over the last couple days, I have seen how Artemis acts around you. She does care for you. She respects you. You are the Percy Jackson. Any girl or goddess would be lucky to have you. I say ask her about how she feels about you. Women like words. Remember that. After all, the worst thing that can happen is that you get turned into a jackalope where then I would be able to turn you back."

He cracked a small smile and grabbed me and dragged me over towards him to cuddle until the others got back.

"Thanks," Percy sighed into my hair. The two of us ended up taking a cat nap. all too soon we were rudely awoken by Caya yapping away talking about who knows what to one of the hunters.

"Hey Caya," I mumble from my spot on Percy's chest,"Shut up."

I still can't see her but I could hear the smirk in her voice as she responds, "Awww cupcake, is that anyway to treat the love of your life that you haven't seen in ages?"

I attempt to swat her looking for the off button. "Let me sleeeeeeep"

"If you don't get up I'll rip up the ticket I got you for the One Direction concert and burn the 5 Seconds of-"

I cut her off screaming "I AM AWAKE!!!!!! GIMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!! YO QUIERO!!!!!!!"

"Bi-polar much?" one of the Warriors muttered.

"Oi James, can it."

"Hey! Who said it was me?" the one in question protested. Everyone turned to him with a blank face. "Okay fine!"

"Now," Caya said, "everybody scram and go do your...whatever you do everyday."

Slowly Hunters and Warriors dispersed leaving Caya and I alone around the fire pit in the 'neutral zone'

"What have you been up to Mes?"

I groan before thinking about my last year or so. I start with Jayson and what happened, which then led to a 'break' aka Caya tried to destroy everything that she finds. Then I go on to tell her about the first six months in the Warriors and how I finally snapped. Which then called for another break and me restraining her so she didn't go cut off Ash's balls, put them in a blender and make him drink it. Her words not mine.

She then told me about how her training with her mother Hecate, goddess of magic went for the last two years. Let me tell you it sounded incredible. Her story was followed by a demonstartion of her new kickass powers.

We spent the rest of the day and night just tell stories of what happened when we were seperated and reminencing about the good old days.

I've missed Caya.

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