Caya <--You Are Welcome Caroline

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heyyyyyyyyyyyy i am really excited for this chapter and plus my non-biological twin has been buggiing me to do this for a looonnnnggg time

Last Time:

Jon has also filled me in on the prank he wants to perform and I am super excited to help him do it.


Apollo and Artemis were standing in front of both the Warriors and Hunters while Percy and I were on our so called master and mistress's sides. Well technically we are almost as powerful as them so ya...

"Silence!" A hush fell across the crowd as the twin siblings stated to speak.

"Today we will be going after the monsters that brought us together in the first place!" Apollo said to start off.

"Warriors and Hunters are going to have to work together and not fight among yourselves if you want to defeat the Lamia who is with Echidna and the Chimera. Talk to your Lieutenant or Commander about what you will be doing. Every Warrior will be paired with a Hunter to work on teamwork and not killing each other before the monsters can. No buts and no exceptions."

The Warriors and Hunters knew better than to argue once their liege had made up their mind.

The fighters dispersed and Jon bounded up to my place beside me. "What am I doing?" I kneel down to scoop up the now seven year old hyper energetic boy.

"You are going to come with me and Percy to try and free all of the prisoners that Lamia and the other monsters from Tartarus have taken."

"Yey!" He hops out of my arm and runs over to Percy who was couple yards away talking to Thalia.

"You ready?" I whip around to see the one person I didn't expect. Ash. We still haven't talked about the 'incident' and I don't think we will anytime soon.

"Um, hi um yeah, I am what about you?"

He nods and we stand there in awkward silence for a couple moments before I broke it. “So what's your ‘job’?”

“I am leading the first line in. You, Jon and Percy are doing prisoners right?” I mumble a yes before excusing myself to go and pack up in preparation for our departure.

I gathered the rest of my belongings and then out of the blue, without warning, an iris message appeared with a face that I have not seen in a long time. And I mean like two years ago long time.

Right in front of my my best friend who had gone missing after the war shimmered in the rainbow. “Caya?” I muttered in shock.

“Mes, you have to listen, I don’t have much time and they are coming back I’m with them, Chimera and Lamia and I had been under a spell and I just broke it, you have to help me and remember the only way that the sp-” Caya’s frantic voice pours into the area around me but is cut off all too soon.

I sit down in shock. My bestfriend. My unbiological sister. The only one who can call me Mes(Artemis, middle name) She is alive. And I am going to rescue her.

We left camp, or what was left of it, which was just a bunch of ashes, and headed to the monsters’ base at dawn right as the sun peered over the horizon.

I was the first one awake and I scooped up a sleeping Jon before jogging over and nudging Percy awake. “Da fuqqqqq...five more minutes Thals,” he groaned in his partially asleep state. Without blinking an eye, I kicked him in the ribs ever so gently before loud-whispering to him to get his lazy butt out of bed. That got him up.

We flew out of camp and I set the fast pace in the air. The Hunters and Warriors were about a half hour behind us so I cradled Jon and sped towards the base determined to rescue and be reunited with my bestfriend.

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