The Compromise

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And again I cut him off. "It is Alexandra to you and I don't care. Save it because I am gone." With that I leave back to my cabin. I grab my backpack and fill it with the necessities that I will need and head to the border. I pat the dragon Peleus (A/N: Spelling?) and walk down the hill not looking back.


I run all the way to the Empire State Building, ignoring the burning in my legs. I don't stop. I can't stop. When I reach the door, I slam it open so hard the glass almost breaks. "Gimme the key to the 600th floor kid," I almost growl at the kid behind the desk.

"There is no-"

"Give it here kid." I cut him off and the earth starts to shake. Shakily he throws me the key to the elevator. I take it with a slight nod and walk to the elevator.

I am too caught up in my thoughts to even comment on the horrid music picked by Apollo. The elevator doors open with a ding and i slowly but confidently strolled out of the elevator. i used to think that the statues and the designs were gorgoeus and beautiful. That was before she broke my brother. Before I knew she crushed him to little pieces.

Form my place from outside the throneroom doors, I could hear the Olymipans arguing. Nothing new. Rolling my eyes I burst through the doors unaffected when Zeus yells at me

"WHO DARES DISTURB THE COUNCIL!!!" Ya ya ya no one cares.

"Kill me Zeus." The yelling and chatter creases. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone was dead silent.

"What?" He starts talking in a normal voice.

"Kill me" The talking starts again.

"SHUT UP!" There he goes again. I see my da- I mean Posiden look at me in shock.

"Why Lex?" Posiden askes.

"You wanna know? Because I am sick and tired of helping the people who just turn their back on me and forget. I am sick of the ones I love stabbing me in the heart just to twist the blade deeper and deeper. I am done. Nobody cares about me. My mother doesn't want me around, my father hates me for some unknown reason, my brother is gone, and my boyfriend goes around like the manwhore he used to be before me. Why should I stay? I have no purpose. Kill me Zeus. This is what you have always wanted right Zeus, get rid of your rivals' kids? Here I am"

Everyone is silent again. No one says anything and I was almost hopeful that Zeus would grant me my wish. I should have learned. Never get your hopes up. "I can't kill you Alexandra. I just can't bring myself to do it."

"Will you join the hunt?" Artemis stood from her silver throne. I didn't know what to say. Shouold I?

Zeus was thoughtful for a moment then I saw Apollo not looking too happy. I shot him a questionable glance. What the heck?

"Alexandra Artemis Jackson, would like to serve as the Guardian of the Warriors of Apollo?" Zeus asks me with a serious face. I glance at Apollo looking for a sign about his thoughts about this. The Siun God wore an expression of slight annoyance.

" My Lord Apollo, if you will accept me I would honoured to serve you as a faithful guardian. I swear on the five rivers of the underworld and on Chaos itself to do my duty to you loyally and fully." I knelt infront of Apollo as I said these words.

Just then, a vortex of midnight and silver, came crashing throught the throne room and out stepped a tall robed figured.

"Lord Chaos" Everyone, even the mighty Zeus gets off his throne to kneel.

"Rise children. I Chaos, creator of the universe bless you, Alexandra Jackson with speed, strength, agility, stamina, endurance, accuracy and the gift of flight." The room gasps.

"Why Lord Chaos?" I ask. It is defiantly not a bad thing but why?

"Because young hero, if Apollo accepts your oath, then to will need it in order not to fall back on the oath."

"Thank you Lord Chaos." As fast as he had come, he had left.

"I accept you to fill the title as guardian."

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