Woah Woah Woah back it up WHAT! Part 1

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hey guys percy is meeting lex! have fun reading this vote and comment if you want a character and it doesn't matter if it is a girl or boy. sorry for the slow update i am super stressed right now and ya. I am giving you a super duper long chapter so ya enjoy!

Last Time:

"And you are the son I have always wanted. Night baby, call me if you need anything," With that I kiss his forehead and watch as he heads into his tent before heading to mine.


I grabbed my backpack and start to pack my few belongings that I have. There is no way that I am going to be able to deal with these obnoxious peeps for much longer but I have already told them that I am not going to be very nice to them anymore. I sigh and head out to my super awesome tree house that I built a little while back.

PERCYS POV (Oh hope his pov starts to forgive me for not updating)

"OK Hunters!" Arty starts to talk but no one is listening each doing their own thing. "HUNTERS!" a hush runs through the clearing and soon everyone is standing in front of Artemis and she begins her report.

"So I have just received news that we are to be working with Apollo and his Warriors for our next-"

Groans and curses and rude words swarm the clearing while I on the other hand am bouncing with excitement. I get to see my sister!

"SILENCE!!!!!" the hunters go silent again and she continues. "I know this is not the most appealing to all myself included but we can and will do this. Whether you like or not they will be here tomorrow morning and so I expect you to all be on your best behaviour." There were groans throughout but other than that it was calm.

I walk back to the stream which is a little way outside of camp and start to do my chores beginning with washing one batch of clothes. I sense someone squat next to me and my awesome cousin sits next to me with her batch of laundry. "She is coming Thals,"

"Who?" she replies confused. Obviously I had forgotten to tell her that Lex was their guardian so oh god she is going to hurt me for not telling her. Someone get the medical tent ready! Just kidding, she won't hurt me too bad cause I didn't tell her about Lex, would she?

"Lex became the Warriors guardian after she and Jay broke up. That's what Artemis said," I tell her bracing myself for pain. Which suprisingl didn't come. She frowned and asked me,

"When did they break up?"

I shrug. I didn't know any details. You only know words have truly sunk into Thalia's head when....



"I said that didn't I?" she just smacks me on the head and walks back to camp leaving me with two laundry baskets. I groan and finish up both our loads.


"Ready for this?" Thalia asks the rest of the hunters. Nods come from all around and she reaches for the flap of he brother's tent. "Ahhh," she hissed quietly in pain and saw her hand bright red. What the heck? Now how do they get in to prank him.

"Diana and Simon, go get Lady Artemis and ask her to open the tent." Phoebe quickly orders. They have to get this done before he wakes up. The said girls race off to the other side of camp to get Artemis.

Quick as a bunny the two girls race back with Artemis behind them."What's going on?" Artemis whispers to the group who were standing outside of Percy's tent with at least 10 bottles of whipped cream.

"Just a simple prank," The lieutenant says and smirks. "We need you to open the door cuz I couldn't and when I tried it burned me."

The moon goddess nodded and lifted up the flap without a problem and silently tie it up.

"Lets go girls" with that all the hunters raced stealthily into Percys tent spraying whipped cream everywhere. Inside his shirt, on his face all over his precious combat boots and everything except the mirror. That needed to be untouched.

The girls all high five each other once phase one of The Ultimate Prank was complete. Diana ran to when the warning horn was kept and blew it. Loud. They heard a yell in surprise come from the ten† followed by a thump signaling that he had fallen out of bed.

Inside the the †ent percy was groaning and getting off the floor when he sees his mirror. "AHHHHH WHAT IS SANTA CLAUSE DOING IN MY ROOM! ITS NOT CHRISTMAS!!" Hurriedly not paying attention he threw on his black shirt ans screamed in surprise. "THALIA!"

He groaned and pulled of that shirt to be greeted with a very whipped cream covered torso.

The hunters were literrally on the floor laughing so hard they could not breath and tears were rushing down their faces.

"Come on Percy! The Warriors will be here soon!


"Okay, is everybody ready?" Apollo asks as all of the Warriors plus me stood outside !n the main gathering area. I could hear moans of annoyance that they would have to work with the hunters but I mean how bad can it be? Seriously.

"Yes," and that would be Ash who is mad at me for standing up for myself. Whatever his problem not mine.

"Let's go!" Apollo made his chariot appear and we watched as it transformed into a van that could hold everyone. I watched as everyone loaded their things into the back of the van and waited for everyone to get in.

"Hey Apollo? I am going to meet up with you guys later at camp," I say as the sun god gestures for me to get into the van.

"Okay we will see you there," with that he shuts the door and starts the engine before roaring off into the sky heading for the hunters camp.

I make sure that they are gone before spreading my wings and taking off to the heart of Manhattan. Just to check on my newborn sibling. As I land in the parking lot of our- my parents complex I snap my wings back against my back inside of my leather jacket.

I scan the parking lot and find that Sally's car is not there and neither is Paul's meaning there is a babysitter or something.

Walking up to the apartment I look at the board that has the names of residence. Jackson-Blofish. Flat number 347. I walk up the three floors and arrive at number 347. I knock first and wait. A couple minutes later nothing, no one answered so I guess I will just let myself in.

By the window in the kitchen was the crib. I silently make my way over and see the most adorable little baby I have ever seen. It says Samila. " Hey little Sami, it's your big sister Alexandra. I love you so much and even though you will never see me, always remember your big brother Percy and I love you soo much." I coo to her as I rock her in my arms

I kiss her forehead before setting her back into her crib and I take off my necklace that has a picture of Percy and I inside and clasp it around her tiny neck. "Sweet dreams Ila," (a/n ila)

I open the window and fly out. Now to the hunters.

Part 2 will be up soon.....vote comment and share

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