8. The Fairy Tale Of The Alices Of Kardz

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A long time ago, all the different worlds were one. They lived together as one, peaceful and happy but, that was before the Alices arrived.

These Alices each were gifted with something and these gifts were what hurt the beautiful world that they lived in.

The first Alice was named Clover. She was gifted with the talent of battle but, she let her sword control her and was soon began killing everyone that crossed her path. A price was placed on her head and she had to go into hiding. After that, the only evidence of her existence is the trail of blood she left in her wake.

The second Alice was named Spade. He was the loyal servant of the royal family and had the gift of singing but, when the world started becoming corrupt, the song he sang was too happy and a curse was placed on him. He never again could sing his song.

The third Alice's name was named Diamond. She was a personal servant gifted with great beauty but was afraid of ageing and dying so, she kidnapped the Prince and traded him for eternal beauty and life. She no longer could flaunt her beauty to the kingdom because she too went into hiding.

The fourth Alice were actually a pair of twins by the names of Heart and Ace. They were children, gifted with innocence and happiness, even in the corrupt world. They were the ones who were supposed to save the world but, the first Alice reached them first. They're last action before they were slain was splitting the world up, separating each of the Alices from each other, in a hope to weaken the evils that existed.

Kardz was the only kingdom that remembers these horrible happens. When all of the Alices are together in this sacred place, they can restore it to it's original glory and bring peace to all world.


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