20. Halo

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Teleporting into the ocean is never fun.

That was the first thing that popped into Bella's head as the three of them plummetted face first into the surface of the water; breaking it again, moments later, for air.

"The fuck," Jake swore, breaking into a desperate swim for shore, "Whoever the Hell runs this system has got it out for us."

"There's a slight chance you've got it correct," Anna-Beth laughed, her and Bella following Jake's example of getting to land, "This whole thing reminds me of those survival shows."

"I love those shows!" Bella added, "It's cute when one of the hot guys helps out one of the girls on the other team even though it's totally against the rules."

"I'm more into the grotesque competitions," Jake admitted, "One time, I was watching this one program where the contestants had to eat a pile of snake skins and live worms or else they couldn't move onto the next challenge."

"That's so messed up," Bella grimaced.

"I'm soaking wet," Anna-Beth complained, shaking off the water that clung to her clothes as best she could before spotting the closest house, "Let's go see if they can lend us some towels."

"What is it with you and asking help from complete strangers?" Jake demanded, "One of these days, you're going to get abducted or something and I'm not going to help you."

"Yes you will," Bella countered.

"Shut up, you," Jake growled.

"Moving on," Anna-Beth shook her head and started jogging towards thew house, "I'm not walking around in wet clothes for who knows how long."

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