11. OBJECTION! Animals Can't Talk.

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Catty: OK. I just wanted to make this clear. Anna-Beth and Zalia are pissing me off... AND THEY'RE MY OCs! WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN LIVINGINYOURBASEMENT16's OR WRITERGIRL1322's?!?!? KYAA! SO IRRITATED!


Mr. Tumnus and the three girls were in his small home, sipping tea.

"You know," he stated "You aren't the first Daughters of Eve I've seen, recently."

"Don't you have other humans here?" Jake questioned.

"Not in Narnia," he denied "We do to the-" He stopped taking abruptly.

"What is it?" Bella wondered.

"Shh," he hushed, paling with each sentence "Oh no..."

"What IS it?" Jake echoed.

"The White Queen," Mr. Trumpkins shivered.

"Whoever that is," Zalia added "They've got a good deal of dark magic on their side."

"Oh oh OH!"  Mr. Tumnus fretted, turning to Bella "You've got to help me, Miss Bella. You're a witch too, right? Perhaps you could-"

"Oh no," Bella declined "I'm still a student."

"What does she want?" Jake wondered "Perhaps we could bargain with her."

"She wants the Daughter of Eve I let back through to War Drobe,"  Mr. Tumnus cowered "Our only hope would be Aslan."

"Who?" the three girls demanded.

"The great lion,"  Mr. Tumnus explained "And the true king."

"So let me get this straight," Jake doubted "We're dealing with a lion, a witch and a wardrobe?"

"Oh sweet mother," Zalia groaned, face-palming. Suddenly, the bells they heard in the back of their heads grew louder and a sleigh could be heard. Just as it reached the house, a roar rang through the area and the girls rushed to the window to see there was indeed a lion there.

"Is that...?" Bella whispered.

"Aslan," Anna-Beth finished.

"I'll distract her," she thought he said "Get to safety."

"Did he just..." she blink "Speak?"

"Don't be stupid," Jake declined "Animals don't talk. Come on. Let's make a run for it."

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