10. Narnia

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The three girls fell out of the sky and landed in a tree. Painfully, they hit a the ground with a thud.

"Um... OW!" Bella cried, sitting up straight.

"This is why I stay in the courtroom," Jake groaned.

"I usually have someone to catch me after a fall like that," Anna-Beth muttered. They looked up to see a lamppost in the middle of the forest.

"What the Hell?" Jake demanded "Why is there a lamppost out here?" Suddenly, they heard parcels hitting the snow and looked up to see a fawn staring at them.

"Daughters of Eve?" he blinked.

"Who?" Bella questioned "Us?"

"Yes," The fawn nodded.

"I'm a wizard," Bella beamed.

"And you two?" he wondered.

"Woah, Woah, Woah," Jake stopped "I'm not talking to a random stranger."

"Excuse me," the fawn realized "I've been very rude. Very rude, indeed. My name is Mr. Tumnus."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Tumnus," Bella smiled, brightly, extending her hand to shake his.

"Oh... Um, yes," he nodded, returning the gesture.

"I sense dark magic in this place," Anna-Beth informed, her eyes green again "And what's with all this snow? It's freezing here, I tell you."

"Listen, Lady," Jake snapped "Stop being bipolar and shut the Hell up."

"You remind me a lot of Ni... Er... Miaann," Anna-Beth informed "And I have a name, you know. It's Zaliaanna, but most call me Zalia."

"Oh wait," Jake mocked "I seemed to have stopped caring."

"You guys haven't even been paying attention to us," Bella reprimanded them " Mr. Tumnus has invited us to tea and I accepted. Humph!" With that, she linked arms with Mr. Tumnus and they skipped off.

"Oh crap!" Zalia {Who was really Anna-Beth again} panicked "We've gotta go after her!"

"Just let her go," Jake waved away.

"She's got the wish token, Genius," Anna-Beth reminded.

"Oh fuck," Jake realized, racing after the younger girl "BELLA! WAITUP!"

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