15. A Token From The King Of Beasts

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Catty: I am listening to a spanish remix of YUGIOH... Why?


"Aslan," Bella wondered as he walked along. She rode on his back as Jake and Anna-Beth each walked on a side of him "Can't you just take us to the next token?"

"That's what I am doing," Aslan smiled.

"Who's going to get it?" Jake asked.

"That's something I can't tell you," Aslan explained "In every world, you'll be provided with someone who will guide you to your next token, but they will be the people that appear least capable of anything plausible. In your last world, a man by the name of Xerxes Break told you Bella would be most likely to make wise decisions because of her open-mindedness. No?"

"I still have the token!" Bella beamed, pulling it out into the open, where the blue disc glinted.

"Bella," Jake warned "Be careful with that."

"Jake," Aslan explained "You are a logical thinker. People admire you for your vast knowledge."

"Got that right," Jake stuck up her nose.

"Anna-Beth," Aslan concluded "You are a people person. Friends come easily to you, and you are also a listener. Together, everything can be understood by the three of you. You must trust each other, despite what may separate you because what seems like a downside now will be a gift sometime in the future."

"Aslan," Anna-Beth pointed out "When Alice and Break were holding the first token, it was White and had no effect on them, but when Bella took it, it turned blue and then all of us were transported here. Why is that?"

"I'm only permitted to tell you a few things, child," Aslan explained.

"Why?" Jake demanded.

"Because that's the rules of the game," Aslan sighed.

"What game?" Jake didn't understand.

"We are here," Aslan changed the subject, walking over to a small cave and pulling a tiny box out of it "Anna-Beth? Come here." She walked over to him and he placed the box in her hands. She opened it and saw the token inside.

"A-are you sure?" Anna-Beth stared at him.

"Of course," he gave her a sad smile "Girls. All I ask is that you watch over one another. Some of you may not live through this, otherwise."

"I don't understand," Anna-Beth shook her head.

"We know how this is supposed to end," he muttered "Some of those who you are think you know aren't who they say they are."

"Can't you tell us anything else?" Anna-Beth demanded.

"I'm sorry," Aslan declined "You must go now." Anna-Beth nodded and brought her fingers around the token, dropping the box in result. It turned a golden color and the girls disappeared again.

"Those three girls," he recited "Who cross over time and space."

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