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"You ain't got much game there, Princess," Jake informed, knocking him in the shoulder. They'd just finished the game and were taking the walk to the closest ice-cream shop. Of course, Jake's team has won and she was taking every opportunity to flaunt that feat.

"Now that you've settled this dispute," another golden haired boy began "Do you think you can introduce us, Itsuki-San?"

"Sure thing, Amou," Itsuki-San beamed "That young one's Bella... This one that is so cocky is Jake-"

"I am not 'cocky'," she murmured.

"And that's Anna-Beth," Itsuki finished, proudly.

"How come you can remember that, but you can't remember to do your homework?" the black-haired boy demanded only adding "Kaname Kusakabe," as an after-thought.

"You don't do your homework either?" Jake laughed "That sounds so much like my twin brother, Lawrence."

"You've got a twin brother?" Bella wondered "I didn't know that."

"Yeah..." Jake muttered "Now that I mention it... He's kinda of like Anna-Beth in a way... Not Zalia, obviously, but... Yeah."

"My name's Tsukasa Amou," the other blonde smiled, happily, changing the subject back to a more pertinent matter.

"And I'm Isshin Shiba," the red-haired boy, who seemed older than everyone else stated "Isshin Sempai to you, girls."

"Technically speaking," Jake pointed out "You'd all be Senpai to us... If we went to the same school."

"It's not really an accurate title," Itsuki-San smirked "Everyone just calls him that. Even the teachers."

"Seriously?" Bella's eyes got wide like saucers.

"No," Kaname face-palmed.

"Oh," Bella nodded, hypnotised by this awesome guy.

"What is it with this kid and guys with black hair?" Jake interrogated.

"Well..." Anna-Beth rubbed her neck "I might have mentioned something about guys with black-hair to her while you weren't paying attention..."

"What did you say?" Jake glared.

"Um..." Anna-Beth thought for a minute before running away "BYE!"

"Get back here!" Jake chased after her.

"Morons," Bella chuckled, nudging Kaname "Don't tell them, but I've being playing the love-sick kid since Anna-Beth slipped earlier in saying that black-haired boys are better kissers."

"That's cruel," Itsuki-San approved "You deserve a piggy-back ride, {Japanese translation of 'Trick Mistress'}."

"Don't mind if I do," she smiled, climbing on his back and pointing towards the ice cream shop "To the delicious dairy treats!"

"Your wish is my command, {Japanese translation of 'Trick Mistress'}," he obeyed.

"Just get moving," Bella demanded.

"Snappy, {Japanese translation of 'Trick Mistress'}," he informed.

"Always," she insisted "Always."


Catty: BELLA! What have I turned your innocent self into!? /sob\

I am totally blaming Jake for this. >.>

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