19. Anything That Starts With Objecting

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The room turned quiet as all eyes turned to Jake.

"You don't want to go home?" Mana questioned, doubtfully, "Why not?"

"What I'm being thrown into here," Jake shrugged, "It's not as bad as back home. Hell, sure I miss my friends and family and all, but I'd rather just tell myself they're still alive and not look back then go home and find 'em all dead at my feet."

"I doubt they're all dead," Anna-Beth optimized, "Or going to, for that matter. They're probably just reincarnate or something."

"Whatever creator is out there, writing my life's story, they've got one wacked up personality," Jake smirked.


Catty: Dammit.. I just lost The Game.


"So... What are you going to do with your wish token?" Bella wondered.

"I think we should go past our initial amout," Jake got a dangerous glint in her eye, "Why collect only five? We could get as many as we want."

"But," Bella tilted her head to the side, "Do we want anymore?"

"Fuck yes," Jake nodded.

"I think Bella's got a point, Jake," Anna-Beth sighed, "You have to be careful what you wish for. You don't know what the consequenses for it will be." The entrance bell jingled and everyone looked up to see Nakaura-Sensei there, holding a white token in his hand.

"The wish token," Bella announced, "Who gets it?"

"I'll take this one," Itsuki-San beamed, plucking the token from sensei's hands and holdig it out to Jake, "Put it to good use, Princess. Honestly, you could always come back here."

"That's for the offer," she smirked, punching him on the shoulder, "Maybe I'll consider that one."

"See if you could convince Petenshi-Sensei and Twoface to come with you," Itsuki-san joked, dropping the token in her hand. The token went from white to blood red and, with a flash, they were gone.

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