9. Finding The First Token

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"That's an interesting story," Gil allowed "But it seems like just that... A story."

"Don't be so quick to think this, Gilbert," Break shook his finger "Much like in the story, the ones we call childish tend to be right."

"Right," Oz nodded "Because their minds are more open."

"Correct," Break smiled down at him, ruffling his hair.

"It seems impossible," Jake stated.

"Even my studies never talks about a power strong enough to split worlds," Bella added.

"And Shadow magic sure isn't," Anna-Beth added.

"Not any chain has a power like that," Gil stated "If all these different worlds know nothing of any of these powers, how can they exist?"

"Think about this for a moment, Gilbert," Break suggested "We can prove there are many different worlds, correct?"

"Yes," Bella interrupted "I knew that long before this."

"And you cannot have many before you have one, correct?" Break continued.

"I suppose that make sense," Jake allowed.

"Which means," Break concluded "Either this original world was split or copied. Which one makes more sense?"

"They're both plausible," Anna-Beth pointed out "But... We have nothing at all saying the world was copied."

"So it must have been split," Oz concluded.

"Exactly," Break nodded.

"Uhg..." Alice's voice interrupted, making all of them turn to see her holding a white coin "What the heck's this?"

"That," Break smirked "Is our Wish Token." He went and took it from Alice and stood in front of the three alienated girls. He knelt down to look Bella in the eyes.

"Bella," he said "You are undeniably the youngest and childish out of all of you three girls."

"Hey!" she demanded.

"It was meant as a compliment, Dear," Break laughed "It means you're the most innocent and likely to make the right choice so I'm going to give you this coin. Take care of it."

"Thank you, Mister Break," she beamed "I won't forget this." The Wish Token turned blue and he placed it in her hand. There was a flash and when it faded, the three girls were gone.

"Now," Break said, walking over to the cupboard and climbing inside "I'll you'll excuse me... Miss. Sharon told me to be back in time for tea. We're having a special guest today. Adieu." He closed the door and Gil and Alice rushed over it, throwing it open.

Both gaped at finding it empty.


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