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You know another way to get readers? Enter contests! At the very least the judges will read it.

The one of the most talked about contests on Wattpad is the Wattys, but they are many others. You've probably seen a lot of stories with the #Wattys2017, right? Well, those stories are by authors who are lucky enough to remember to participate in contests. So long as you aren't breaking the rules of Wattpad by plagiarizing, nothing can go wrong, so why not try it? Keep in mind though, some of these contests require others to nominate your book instead of you, so make sure you keep a friend handy, just in case.

P.S. if you have a contest or know of a contest, please PM me.

P.S.S. art contests are also allowed on this list.


Contests: Fanfic

Contests: Romance

Contests and Writing Prompts: Fantasy

Contests and Writing Prompts: fright

Contests and Writing Prompts: mystery

Contests and Writing Prompts: nonfiction

Cover Contestsaishafanfiction

Fantasy Contests: Contests00

Friendly Teen Book Competition: SouthernGal01

Romance Contests: Contests00

SciFi Competitions: ScienceFiction

Star Awards: YoungTeeners

Teen Poetry Contest: contests4_teens

Teen Romance Contest: contests4_teens

The Fiction Awards 2016: thefictionawards

The StarDust Awards: Stormwolfwriters

Wattpad Contests: Contests00

Watty's 2016: TheWattys

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