Chapter 7

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Soo happy today, going wedding dress shopping tomorrow :-) since im sooo happy I decided to uploar. Hope you all enjoy. Please comment and tell me if this is a good story so far or not. Vote and Share.. You know how do it :-) Pic of Josh on the side.




The weeks passed by as usual, nothing really exciting happened and I was getting used to it. The only upside thing in my otherwise mediocre life is that I have gotten really close to Alana and James. They are what I would consider someone for the first time in my life as; my best friends. Aiden is always there when we hang out but he never really looks at me or talks to me. More like just blatantly ignores my existence.

We both have learnt to just ignore each other for the betterment of my friendship with these two lovelies.

It was Sunday night and my mum was going away again, I sighed. I know I shouldn't be whining about her going away every time. I mean she loves this job more than her last one. I have seen her actually smile to herself sometimes getting ready for work. She has been home for the past Three Weeks though so I can't really complain. I was helping her pack for her trip at the moment, almost a routine for us by now since whenever my mum was going away I would always without any doubt help her pack and sleep in her bed with her the night before. She always tends to forget something which I remind her about and also because by the time I wake up she's already gone.

I got out of bed started getting ready for school and eating a small snack bar, I was on my way to school. I suddenly noticed Aiden was walking on the footpath right beside me, I stopped the car and asked if he wanted a ride. He acted very strange at first, looking at me as if I was some stranger. He just nodded with appreciation and we were on our way to school. The ride to school was a tad bit uncomfortable to say the least, seeing that we haven't really spoken to each other. We were always with company around each other so the need to chit chat never came forth before.

"Where's your bike, Aiden"? I asked having a tinge of doubt that I a wouldn't really receive an answer from him. He surprised me by saying that he got it took off him because he was grounded for getting into a fight.

"Oh! I see, yeah I heard about you fighting, with that guy, Josh, was it? I think that's what I heard." I nodded.

"Yeah..." he sighed out and that's all I got out of him. But I wanted to hear why he was fighting, being the inquisitive weirdo that I am so I asked him about it.

He shrugged answering with a, "He said something about a friend of Alanas, he was out of order so I punched him", like it was no big deal.

I stayed silent after that, wondering what 'friend' he was talking about, just now... was it a female friend that he liked? All of a sudden I got this undeniable feeling of jealousy coursing throughout my body, I did not like Aiden, I hardly know him so why did I feel like that? I brushed off that insane feeling and concentrated on the road. Just as we finally made it to school, I jumped out my car as quick as I can. I was so numb right then, couldn't even stand the close proximity while we sitting in the car, the heat radiating off of him was ridiculous. It was almost like that hot musky scent you get that makes you groan. I mentally slapped myself and was about to walk away when someone grabbed my arm, the stouch reminding me of my ever present worry of my dad finding us and I froze on the spot, my hands started shaking and I let out a shudder. Closing my eyes tight I put my head down wishing whoever it was would leave already. I felt a finger lift my chin up and I opened my eyes the musky scent entering my nostrils and looked up to see it was indeed, Aiden.

"You Okay??" He asked in a serious tone. All I could do was nod my head, ignoring all the sparks shooting through my body as he placed his hands on my cheeks and made me look at him with his eyebrows furrowed deep in.... worry? Why would Aiden worry about me?

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