Chapter 18

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So guys after this chapter there will only 2 left tp go. I know sad times :-(

Anyway, hope you e joy this chapter. NOT EDITED yet so sorry for all spelling and grammer mistakes.

I woke from the peaceful, dream free sleep I have had since I moved here. I was thinking about what happened last night, kept thinking of the way that Aidens hands ran up and down my skin, giving me tingles with every touch and every kiss that he placed upon my body. He was so gentle, he took care of me the way a man is meant to take care of the woman that he loves. Never in my wildess dreams did I think that I would lose my virginity to a man I loved so dearly. Thinking about Aiden, I turned around and noticed his side of the bed was empty, it was warm so he must have just got up or not that long ago. I wondered where he had gone as his clothes from last night were gone. I got up and got dressed then made my way downstairs. I found him in the kitchen making breakfast. I went and wrapped my arms around his waist, he jumped alittle not expecting me to be here. I laughed a little. He turned around and game me a quick kiss.

"Sorry you woke up on your baby, that was not my intention. I was going to make you breakfast in bed" he said with a little pout. He looks so adorable when he pouts.

"Aww baby" I coo'd. I was looking for you and wondered where you went" I said shyly and looking at the floor.

"Don't hide from me" he said while placing a finger under my chin and making me look at him. He leaned in and kissed me so tenderly that I almost dragged him back to bed. The smell of burning brought me back to the now.

"Aiden the bacons burning" I smirked then walked away. I heard him let out a small growl! You will pay for that my little Lina.

I made my way to my dance studio, I hadn't danced in here for a while. I changed into my dance clothes and olugged my MP3 player in to the huge speakers that were situated in each corner of the room. I put on Drakes 'Hold on we're going home'. This song is amazing. I started dancing like my life depended on it, I was thinking about how much my life had changed in the past few months. I have friends that I love dearly, an amazing boyfriend who is too hot for his own good and most importantly, I was free. This is what I was dancing for, my freedom. I finished and was about to grab a bottle of water when I heard loud clapping and whistling. I looked and noticed Aiden was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a huge grin on his face.

"Damb baby girl, where did you learn to dance like that"? He walked towards me so he was still in front of me enough space so I could wrap my arms around his neck.

"I taught myself, watched videos when I could and went to a couple of classes".

"You should study dance at college, you will be more amazing than you already are" he smiled at me. His smile is so contagious that I had to smile back. "Maybe" was my reply. I did not have a clue about college, I have never though about it as I did not think my life would have lasted that long. However, now that I have got away from my dad, anything is possible.

Aiden dragged me back to the kitchen as breakfast was ready, we ate in comfortable silence. Once we had ate Aiden went to get chnaged as he aas going to play footlball with James. "Bye baby, I love you. Be back about 5pm". "Ok, love you too". I gave him a kiss goodbye and made my way upstairs to have a relaxing bath.

My day consisted of me being lazy and doing nothing. I was texing my mum and Alana for a while when I noticed that it was 4pm alreadg. Times flies when hour having fun I though. I wanted to make Aiden histea forhim getting in from football, but first I sent and got chnaged into a pair on black skiny jeans and a nice top. I mademy downstairs andprepared the chicken. I was making chicken stuffed with cheese and wrapped it bacon with cheese on top, buy the time I was finished it was going on 4:30pm, I put the chicken in the oven so its readh for him getting home. I started to clean the kitchen and set the table, I wanted to do something nicefor Aiden so, I put on a nice table cloth, put out skme candles and I had some beer for him in the fridge. I happened to look at the clock and noticed it was going on 6pm, where could he be I questioned. I went to get my phone and text him.

Me- Aiden baby, where r u? Call me. Love you xoxo

I waited for a reply and still did not have one 15 minutes later. I decided to text Alana to see if James was home, I got a reply straight away.

Alana- hey chika, yeh he said he left him bout 30mins ago. Everything ok? Xxx

Me- Aiden isnt bk yet, im starting to get worried xxx

I received a reply thinking it was Alana or Aiden but I opened the text to an unknown number. I opened it to see a picture of someone tied to a chair. "Oh god please no" the picture was kf Aiden tied to a chair with blood all over his face. My knees gave way out from under me and I screamed. There was a text attached to the picture I read it.

Unknkwn number - hey baby girl, I have someone that would like to say hello.I will let him go, but in exchange I want you. Meet me at the cafe in town, come alone or you wont seehim again. C u at 8pm little Lina. Love daddy.

I can't believe my dad is in Miami, he must have been watching me to know who Aiden is. That thought unsettled my stomach. I hope he sticks to his word and lets Aiden go. With thag last though I ran up to my room put on a pair of black combat boots and a one of Aidens hoodies. I wrote my mum a letter saying how sorry I was of everthing that happened and that I loved her. I then wrote Aiden a letter, it was so hard me to do but I had to do it. I told him that if I didn't make it out alive, because lets face it, my sad ain't going to let me go. I told him to move on and find someone that could give him more than I can. Find a nice girl that has a loving family and not pyscho dad. I put both letters on the livingroom table and made my way to the cafe.

I stepped in tbe cafe and the first thing I notice is two people sitting there hunched together and whispering. I never would have thought I would see those two together, and coincidentally at the cafe that I was meant to be meeting my dad.

So guys, who do you think is sitting at the table hmm...

Vote, commemt and share. You know you wana :-)


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