Chapter 14

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Hello everybody. Ooh 6 more chapters to go.... please please please let me know if you like it. It's not much but it's something lol.

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We walked up the pathway and ino the beautiful house in front of us. His house was amazing. Cream coloured bricks outside with huge windows surrounding it. We walked in the door and I smelt cake straight away.

"Mum" Aiden shouted.

"In here sweetie" she shouted from the kitchen.

Aiden took my hand in his and we made our way to the kitchen. The woman standing before me was so beautiful, she was tall with a slim figure and long blonde hair, when she noticed us standing there she looked at me with the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

"Who might this gorgeous girl be Aiden" his mum asked

"Mum, this is Lina, my girlfriend" Aiden replied happily.

I was holding my hand out to greet her but she grabbed me in a tight squeeze and stepped back to look at me. I felt a little uncomfortable with her staring at me like that. So I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs Mathews, you have a beautiful home".

"Please call me Lucy. You are a beautiful woman Lina I can deffinately see what your mum was talking about" she said that then winked at me. "sorry but I was not expecting guests today Lina so the house has not been cleaned yet. Please go through and I will bring some cakes through. Would you like some juice?"

Myself and Aiden asked for orange juice and we made our way into the livingroom. This room was huge, you could probably play bowling in it. I made my way over to the fire place where I seen some pictures of Aiden and his family. The was a picture of a little probably about aged 10, she looked adorable. Aiden interrupted my thoughts by telling me that this was his little sister Alice. We sat down on the two seated love seat and his mum came through and sat opposite us.

"So Lina, how do you like Miami. I bet it's really different Scotland. All the sunshine you get compared to the rain you get there" Lucy laughed a little.

"Yeah, it's very different, but I enjoy the sun. I can relax in the sun, I've never managed to do that where I stayed before".

"How is your mum, I've not spoken to her in a about a week. She had any luck in... well you know?"

"I don't know anything Lucy, I don't think my mum wants me to know so, she doesn't tell me".I said with a frown on my face.

"I'm sure she is just trying to protect you hunny, ask any mother I am sure they will tell you the same thing". I could only nod in understanding.

"Ok mum, enough with the heavy talk, we just wanted a day to relax with no worries. Can we please do that?"

"Yes of course sweetie not a problem. Oh and you two skipping school, I will let it slide just this once". That made me smile.I loce Aidens mum, she seems to be someone I could talk to when my mum isn't here.

We spent the day watching movied and eating anything and everything. With the occasional make out seasons inbetween. It was bliss. I have had such a great day that nothing can spoil it. That was until my phone went off telling me I had a new text.

Unkown number - Hey baby girl, its daddy. I bet u wondered whn u would hear from me again. Dnt worry I will be seein u very soon. Be safe my darling xx

My heartbeat quickened up so fast, that I was panicking, I could feel myself shaking and was not paying any attention to who ever was speaking to me. I was frozen on the spot beside Aiden.

"Lina baby, are you ok" I heard a voice ask me. I'm assuming its Aidens as the next thing he was shouting for his mum.

"Lina sweetie, are you alright. Come on tell us what happened". All I could do was hand over my phone to her. "Oh god" she whispered. I'm assuming she read the text as the next thing I heard her talking on the phone. I didn't know who she was talking to untill she said my mums name trying to get her to calm down. She must have finished her conversation as she was now sitting down at my feet talking to me. I had no clue as to what she was saying, all I remember was someone lifting me up and taking me out to my car. They drove my car back to mine and lifted me out the car and into my house.

Aiden must have carried me to my room as I felt the comfort of my bed below me, as soon as he let me go, I brought my knees up to my chin and wrapped my arms around my knees so I was in a little ball. Then, I cried. I cried all night. I was wondering what my dad could want from me, he already ruined my childhood but now he is determine to ruin my adulthood as well. It makes me sick. So, I was thinking about my dad but then I suddenly remembered what Josh had said at school. I wonder what he meant, do I ask Aiden about it he knows everything there needs to know about me, so its only fair.... right?

"Aiden" I whispered I looked up to see him standing in the door way looking at me. "What did Josh mean today when he said that at school?" I heard him sigh and thought he wasn't going to tell me.

"I knew you were going to ask that at some point" he chuckled at me. Then he looked at the floor at came to sit next to me on my bed. "I didnt have the best upbringing, my father was never around, my mum was cold, she was like a statue most of the time. I ended up going about with the wrong croud and got into some trouble" he then looked up to me.

"What kind of trouble?" I questioned him.

"It was all petty stuff to start with like shoplifting, getting drunk on the streets, starting fights with other crowds, you know the usual things teenage boys get into" he paused for a minute then continue. "One night we were all hanging out just walking about the streets, being loud and annoying. Well, we came across another crowd they started a fight with us, one minute there were punches getting thrown everywhere then all of a sudden, one of the boys pull out a knife, he was about to get my friend, but I managed to get the knife of him and I dont know how it happened but..." he took a deep breath "the knife was somehow sticking out the boys side. There was so much blood, we didnt know what to do so we just ran". He stopped to look at me. "I felt gulity all night because that is not who I am, I didn't want to have this on my mind. But I couldn't change the past. I did however, phone for an ambulance when I got home. I didn't want someone's death on my mind".

"You did the right thing in the end Aiden, you called for help. That boy that attacked you all, he might be alive because of that little phone call you made. You have to move on, you are a better person because of that. I mean, I didn't know you back then but I got to say, I do like this Aiden that is here with me" I leaned up and kissed him. We lay on my bed and I fell asleep in Aidens arms.

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