Chapter 11

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Well here you go everyone, 2nd upload in 2 days how awesome am I :-) lol enjoy

We made our way outside to Aiden's car, he opened my door for me and waited for me to get in, once I was in he made his way round to the drivers side. I loved his car it was a black Shelby Mustang. It's so smooth on the road. We must have been driving for about 10 minutes in comfortable silence when I broke the silence.

"So where are we going" I asked Aiden.

"It's a surprise, just be patient. We are nearly there" he chuckled.

"Please tell me where we are going baby" I asked giving him my best puppy dog eyes. No one can resist them.

"Haha, that won't work with me prom queen, I have a little sister and she tries it all the time" he laughed.

"Ok fine" I replied in a sulk. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched as he drove the car out of town. I decided to put on the radio, Selena Gomez 'Come and get it' came on.I quite liked this song. I was singing to myself when I turned around to face Aiden staring at me. "What"? I asked him. He didn't reply just smiled.

After another 20 minutes, we pulled up in front of the most beautiful hotel I had ever seen. Aiden got out and handed his keys over to the valet service, he came around and opened my door and helped me out. He took my hand and we made our way inside. I was looking around and looked above my head and seen an absolutely gorgeous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. it must have been made with pure diamonds as it was shining everywhere. I must have completely stopped as I felt Aiden tugging on my hand, we made our way to the restaurant inside.

We got to the main reception at the restaurant and standing there was a beautiful woman, she must have been in her early 20's. Tall, great figure, her dark brown hair pulled in a neat bun at the side of her head. She was dressed in a pink shirt, mini skirt and black peep toe shoes. She was flawless. Aiden noticed that all my attention was on her, she was looking at my man like a piece of meat. 'That's right honey, he's all mine' I said to myself. Not once did Aiden pay any attention to her.

"Table booked for two under Mathews" he said to the hostess.

"Of course, come this way". She tried to be sexy.

She led us to one of the booths in the corner with a great view of the garden out back. This place is stunning. I find myself wondering how Aiden can afford a place like this and to have the kind of car he has.

The hostess seated us and put all her attention on Aiden, who in return was just staring straight at me.

"So my name's Holly and I will be you personal server tonight Mr Mathews" she gave him a smile and pulled her top down slightly. 'What the heck does she think is going to happen'. I just wanted to laugh.

"So can I get you and your sister something to drink" she asked like that was an honest question. I'm going to throttle her any minute now, but Aiden spoke just in time. He was looking directly at me and pulled my hand in his.

"Lina baby, what would you like to drink" Aiden asked. The way he looks at me takes my breath away all the time. I cleared my throat and asked for a coke, Aiden asked for the same. I heard the hostess sigh and walk away.

The evening was going really great and Aiden was taking me somewhere else, I have no idea where. We didn't get back in his car and just walked along the street. it was a beautiful night, quite warm and the sun was just setting. It was getting a little bit chilly so Aiden gave me his jacket as i left mine in his car, and we carried on walking for about 10 minutes. I heard this loud music, I wondered where it was coming from. I walked a little further and I could not believe what I was seeing.

Right in front me was a stadium full of people, and who was on the stage. Kings of Leon thats who. I couldn't believe Aiden brought me here, we handed our tickets over and we had the best night ever. All too soon though it was time to go home.

We made our way back to my house where Aiden is still spending the night. Once we got home, I kicked my boots off and made my way into the cinema room, Aiden followed. We were cuddling up watching a movie when I heard my phone. I was too lazy to reach it so I asked Aiden to read me my text.

"It says" he stopped for a minute and I could see the steam coming out of his ears, I wonder who its from.

"Hey hot stuff, wana get to gether later? Josh xoxo" Aiden jumped of the couch and started pacing the floor, mumbling to himself about how he is going to do some damage control. I let out a little chuckle and he looked at me like I had grown 9 heads.

"Why are you laughing Lina?, this is not funny" "I'm going to kill him" he growled. I do not know why buy I found this possessive part of him so sexy that I stood up and walked ever so slowly over to him, He was watching evey move I was making. I made my way over to him and grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him with so much passion I thought I was going to die. I don't know why he makes me feel like this, like I'm the only girl for him. Everytime he kisses me, it's better than the one before. This kiss was different for him it seemed, he was kissing me like he is going to lose me and that this is our last kiss. I unwrapped myself from him, and looked at him.

I spoke slowly so he could understand what I was about to say.

"You are never going to lose me, you hear me. I am yours just as much as you are mine, Josh does not stand a chance with me Aiden, not now, not ever. I have never felt this way about someone before, you mean too much to me. I would never leave you, if anyone is going to leave, it will be you leaving me". I finished my little speech and Aiden grabbed me in a hungry kiss. I liked this alot.

Once we had finished the movie, we made our way to bed. I changed into my blue silky shirts and tank top and jumped into bed. About 15 minutes later I heard my door open and there stood gods greatest creation ever, Aiden. He was in his boxers and that's it. I couldn't help but move my eyes down to his perfect chest it was so toned that i just wanted to run my fingers down it. I blushed where my thoughts were taking me.'Thank god it's dark' I said to myself. No words were spoken between us, he walked his way across to my bed, never dropping eye contact with me and climbed into my bed. I felt him wrap his arms around me and then we fell asleep.

I know this chapter was kind of slow, please let me know what you all think :-) VOTE and COMMENT please

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