Chapter 8

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A pic of Alana to the side :-)


I had somehow made it home within 10 minutes or so, could’ve gotten a speeding tickettoday but I seriously couldn’t care less. I was practically boiling with rage. How could he even possibly fathom that he could say such inhumane words directed towards me? The audacity of that… nincompoop! He was so nice to me during lunch hours, helped me out with Josh, defended me, so what has happened within merely a couple hours? Is he just bipolar or was his sweetness all a silly game for him. Right now my thoughts were all over the place and I needed a distraction.

I sprinted towards my room for my dance clothes and went to the studio. I put on Kelly Clarkson, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I made a new routine myself and was pleasantly surprised that I went through it all without a break. As the sweat cascaded down my body it was as if my anger was let out in those droplets too. I picked up my phone and went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out the fridge when my phone rang indicating I had a new text, I looked at the text and noticed it was from Alana.

Alana - Hey, just got off the phone with A, what the hell happened after school? Xx

Me - Hey, I really don't know, I heard some things that I didn't want to hear. And basically lost the plot with him and slapped him lol xx

Alana - Oh dear, what did you hear? You're sure it was A and not someone else though, right? Did you even let him explain?

Me - It was deffo him and no I didn't want to talk to him. He doesn't deserve my time of day. Anyway, what u doin? Wanna come over to mine for movie night? Xx

Alana - yeah cool! But I haven't been to your house before so I guess you will have to come get me xx

Me - Okay, be ready. I'll be at your door in 30! :-) Xx

Alana - kk xx

Me - bring your jammies, staying the night k :) xx

Alana - I am? Lol. Ok see you soon xx

I finished texting Alana and laughing at the last text she sent. We have gotten really close within a span of the past few weeks and I can say I totally trust her 100% already. And that is huge coming from me, a person with major trust issues and a complete loner. She is like the sister I have always wanted but never had. Lost in my own thoughts again, I quickly went to my cinema room to pull out some DVDs. I brought out The Host, Beautiful Creatures and Dirty Dancing. I hope she is up for pulling up an all nighter.

Thirty minutes in, and I was making my way to Alana's house. Pulling up in front of her house I beeped the horn twice. Once she got in the car, we made our way to mine with small chit chat along the way.

Fast forward to a couple of hours later and we were seated cozily in the cinema room with munchies and a duvet watching Beautiful Creatures. I looked over at Alana for a second and she was looking at me with a worried expression on her face. "Yeah? Is something bothering you?" I asked. I could read her like an open book by now; I obviously knew something was on her mind.

"So I have been wondering for a while now, I have just never asked because I respect your privacy." I gave her a small nod to continue, although I kind of knew and dreaded where this was going.

"Well, I was wondering why your mum had moved you halfway around the world…?" she asked quickly, the end of her sentence being just a mere broken whisper. Like she wished I didn’t hear it in the first place. I sat there frozen for a minute or so asking myself if I could tell someone this secret, but when I looked at her the immediate answer was Yes. I mean she is my confidant and I can surely trust her!

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