Chapter 19

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Hey everyone... so... chapter 19, here you go. This is the second last chapter. I'm not sure how many of you ate actually reading this but, I would definitely like some feedback to those who are reading. The first person to comment on this chapter I will dedicate the final chapter to you :-)

You want to know who was sitting at the table....John and Cee Cee ... I cant beleive it.

All the anger I was feeling suddenly came at me 100% faster. Please tell me there is another reason for those two to be sitting there. That theory went out the window when Josh seen me and waved me over. He smiled at me, but it was not a nice hello smile it was an evil smile, pure evil. I just wanted to rip his head off with the way I'm feeling right now.

"What are you two doing here?" In asked, already knowing the answer.

"We are here to take you to your father" Cee Cee sneered at me.

"How do you even know my dad" I asked with my eyebrow slightly raised.

"Well you see, we were in town plotting on how to get you and Aiden to split up" I was about to slap her but she continued to speak. Anyway, we seen this man handing out a picture and asking if anyone has seen his daughter. He walked over to us and guess what... the picture was of you. We told him that we knew you and we could bring him to you" she seemed so please with herself.

"He told me that if I brought you to him he would hand Aiden over to me" she smiled at me. A smile that says haha I won.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. She is so stupid.

"You do know that once my dad gets me he will probably kill Aiden". I said directly to Cee Cee. "He wouldn't, he promised me that if I gave him something in return something that he has wanted for a while now,he wouldn't hurt him. She said matter of factly with a smug smile.

"How dence can you be Cee Cee, he only said that to you to get you to help him" I then looked to Josh.

"What are you getting out of this?" I asked. He said one work that made me shiver and cringe "you". These people are really stupid. I laughed at him, I just couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Do you honestly think that my dad is going to go through all this, just to hand me over to you? He is going to kill me and you two are helping him" I couldn't help but shout at them. "What have I done to you two to desrve this?

"No, he won't kill you, he just wants to have a little fun with you first then we can go away and live happily together, get married and have a family. I promise all this will be over soon".that was Josh's answer, to go and live happily ever after with me. Don't think so buddy.

He has got to be kidding me. He actually beleives that my dad is just going to hand me over. No chance is that going to happen. I just stared at the both of them I couldn't beleive what I was hearing. I gave them a look as if to say are we going then. I needed to get to Aiden A.S.A.P. They got up and grabbed my arms and dragged me outside to an SUV that was sitting in the car park.

We must have been driving for about 1 hour before we came to a stop. We got out and I saw a warehouse with men standing all around it, as if guarding the place. I suddenly wondered what my dad is into, he never had a job when we were at home. How can he afford guards. I took a deep breath and they dragged me forwad, I looked up to see that my dad was now standing at the main door with a rope in his hands. I looked in a little and seen it was Aiden.

"Hello baby girl, it's so nice to see you again" my dad said to me. "Whatever" was my reply. My dad yanked on the rope and out came Aiden on his knees. He looked broken, he didn't like showing a softer side to him unless he was with me. He was acting all tough but I could read right through him.

"Ok, I'm here. Let him go". Dad let go of the rope and Aiden fell forward, I went to go to him but someone grabbed on to my forearm, I looked to see that it was Josh. "Let me go, please let me see if he is ok". Josh just shook his head no. I watched as Cee Cee made her way over to him and kissed him.

"Cee Cee you better get your skanky ass hands of him right this minute before I rip you a new one" I tried sound threatning but I guess I never as she just laughed and tried to drag Aiden away? Aiden finally opened his eyes and seen me standing there, there was so much emotion in his eyes, anger, sorrow and guilt. All aiming at me probably for coming after him.

He is probably wondering what is going to happen now. And the most important emotion that you can see so clearly, love. You can see it his his eyes that he loves me. I had to look away from him because if I didn't I would probably die from trying to get to him. Cee Cee noticed that he wasn't paying her any attention but looking directly at me. She got off his lap and injected him with something. "Aiden" I screamed. I managed to get out of Josh's grip only to be hit on the back of the head, I fell to the floor and let the blackness consume me.

This has not been edited and not very long so please excuse the mistakes. Enjoy.... I hope :-) ox

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