Chapter 16

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This chapter has not been edited. Let me know what you think, I would LOVE to read some comments :-)

I woke up with the sun beaming through the blinds and Aiden was no where to be seen, I looked on the bedside u it and noticed it was 10 in the morning, meaning I am now officially an adult. I am 18 years old, I do not feel any different. I never would have thought I would reach my 16th birthday let alone my 18th birthday.

I would always think that this was going to be my last year, that my dad would hit me with that final blow and that I would not recover from it. But here I am, 18 years old, got the most amazing boyfriend in the whole wide world, best friends that I love dearly and a mother who is never here anymore. Who would have thought that me and my mum would drift apart so quick. I really miss my mum, I miss talking to her, I love her cooking and especially her beautiful smile. My mum can look at you with one look and you know that everything is going to be ok.

I was about to get out of bed when I seen a note on Aidens side of the bed with a bell, it was addressed to me so I opened it a read it.

Dear my gorgeous girlfriend

Happy birthday baby :-)

I am sorry you have had to wake up alone on your special day, but I do have a reason. If you ring the bell you will find out what it is.

Aiden xoxo

I noticed that he didn't put love at the end, is that because we have not said it to each other yet. Or does he not feel that way about me, or does he and he is making me say it first. Oh no buddy, you will definitely be saying those words to me first. I looked at the bell and rang it. Two minutes later, in pops Aiden with a tray and on the tray is sausage, eggs, beans, hash browns (made from potatoes) bacon, black pudding and a couple bits of toast. Mmm English breakfast, I have not had a breakfast like this in a long time. There was also a glass of orange juice and a pink rose in a little vase.

This was perfect. I sat up a little and Aiden came to sit next to me, I gave him a small kiss as a thank you as I have not yet brushed my teeth, but I do not think that he cared as he grabbed me kissed my deeply. I pulled away out of breath and put my forehead on his should.

"Thank you baby, I love this" I smiled up to him before digging in.

Once I had finished eating Aiden grabbed my empty plate and glass and took them to be washed. He left the rose for me on my bedside unit. I jumped in the shower and washed my body thoroughly, I made sure that I was all shaven and soft. All I kept thinking about what was going to happen tonight. I was picturing Aidens hand running all over my body, kissing every inch of skin that he could. I could picture his perfect chest, his strong arms wrapping themselves around me and nibbling away at my neck. My heart beat started to pick and I knew I was getting hot from my own imagination, if my imagination causes this kind of reaction, I wonder what is going to happen to me tonight.

I needed to get these thoughts out of my hear right now, I stayed in the shower for another 5 minutes and then decided it was time to get out. I made my way to my closet and put on my best underwear, a coral colour dress that has thin straps and is flowy. I decided to curl my hair and put on a little bit of mascara and light pink lip gloss, there was no need for me to wear blush as I blush everytime I am around Aiden.

Time seemed to gave passed quite quickly, by the time I got ready it was nearly midday. God where does the time go. I made my way to find Aiden and I found him in the livingroom watching the sports channel. Typical boy I laughed to myself, or so I thought. Aiden turned around to look at me, he looked me up and down, I got a little self conscious, wrapped my arms around myself. I bit my lip when I noticed Aiden come to stand infront of me.

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