Chapter 10

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Dedicated to this guy for reading and commenting. Thank you. I didn't really know if people were enjoying this story or not so again thank you :-)

THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED. Thank you to my #1 addictedtosleep

I was still in my room a few hours later wondering how my mum could possibly lie about something like that. And ever more so, how could I be fooled by it all? Does my dad know, does everyone else know? Am I the only one kept in the dark till now? So much for thinking I can blindly trust my mom.

"Lina sweetie, open the door please." my mum pleaded with me."I don't want to leave like this, we only have this night then I am away again, please honey, I am doing this for us. For your safe future…" I couldn't deny my mum anymore, having her being the only sure confidant in my life yet, so I opened the door to see her and Aiden sitting down by my door. I felt awful for how I had treated Aiden earlier, so I slumped down on his lap and gave him a kiss.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean to be a total b*tch to you. I know you will do everything you can to keep me safe, even though we have literary just gotten together, I know how you feel about me, I can see it in your eyes." 

"I do really care about you, Lina, more than anything or anyone I have ever cared about outside my family. I will protect you, it's my job and my life’s only motto, to protect you." I kissed him with everything I had, at that moment, showing him what all this meant to me, showing him my true emotions, through that one kiss. I have never had anyone say something like that to me. I pulled back from the kiss with a pleasant smile on my face, looking around only to notice that my mum was not sitting in front of Aiden anymore, she must have left to give us some privacy. 

The rest of the day and night was uneventful, to say the least. Aiden was allowed to stay over. So here I am, lying in my bed and all I could think about was Aiden,  who was across the hall from me in the spare bedroom. I couldn't sleep so I tiptoed out of bed and went across to Aiden’s room. I slowly made my way in and closed the door behind me.

"Lina, is that you? Are you okay?"Aiden asked in a groggy, sleepy voice, which was undeniably hot.

"I'm fine, A, go back to sleep." I whispered reassuringly, climbing into his bed. I laid down beside him and grabbed his arms and wrapped them around me, both of us cozying up quietly.

I woke up after having the best night’s sleep I have had in a long time, probably in forever. I turned around to see if Aiden was still sleeping but, he was looking right at me, not creepily… more protectively and I won’t deny it made my insides feel warm and soft. He looked so good in the morning that I had trouble controlling myself around him, he was practically a walking hot machine. I grabbed onto him and gave him a kiss, his hands found their way up and down my back with one hand resting at the bottom of my back. I couldn't hold the groan that came out my mouth and this encouraged him more. He kissed down my jaw until he found my sweet spot on my neck, gently sucked until he heard another moan. Once he stopped I kissed him like he kissed me, biting and nipping on his neck teasingly. There was a low groan that came out his throat and I didn't want to stop, but I had to. This wasn’t the time for it nor the place, with my mum able to walk in on us any moment now. So, I stopped myself before I could do something I would regret later.

"Come, we got to get ready for school, thank god it's Friday" I smiled to him."I'm just going to jump in the shower and make breakfast. You can have a shower through that door to your left". He was just lying there staring at me. "Get up then!" I laughed.

He looked a bit uncomfortable, a red tinge on his face from his ears down to under his shirt. I was just about to ask if he was okay but he beat me to it saying, "I'm fine, you just have no idea of the affect you have on me" he blushed then, I was wondering what he meant but then he put his hands to the bulge in his pants, trying to make it look less tenting and I blushed then giggled. "Oops?" I smirked, walking away with a slight sway in my hips. I heard him give out a long sigh and say quietly "She is going to be the death of me!” muffled by the pillow. This made me laugh even more. I made it to my room to have a shower and get dressed.

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