Chapter 20

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Well my lovely readers, this is the last chapter. I'm not actually sure of who has been reading this story but I thank the people who have taken the time to vote and comment. Really appreciate it. Please enjoy this final chapter. There might be a wee bit good news at the end ;-)


I was starting to slowly wake up when I heard two people argue. It sounded like Josh and my dad. I tried to stay still as best as I can so they wouldn't know I was awake.

"What do you mean you can't let her go, you promised. You are a worthless father you peice of shit"

I heard a crunch. I slowly turned my head to see my dad and Josh fighting. Josh got some good punches in there, but it got serious when my dad held a gun to Josh's chest.

"Thank you for all your help Josh, but I clearly don't need your help anymore, and, I cant have any witnesses" at that point my dad fired the gun it went right to Josh's heart.

"Nooooooo" I screamed. "You're a monster, how could you do that" I sceamed at my dad.

I tried to run to Josh but my ankle was chained to a chair which made me trip and fall. It was then that I seen Aiden tied to a chair across the room from me with Cee Cee in his lap.. again.

She was kissing his neck but he was not paying one bit of attention to her, all his attention was on me, his eyes burning into mine. He said something to me and I could clearly read his lips 'I love you so much'. And I said the same back to him. Cee Cee noticed that he was not pay attention once again, but this time, she came over to me, kicked and punched me until I fell to the floor. She was really laying into me until I couldn't feel her any longer, I looked up to see Aiden now crouching beside me and Cee Cee lying on the floor. How the hell did he get out if his rope, stupid bitch didn't tie it tight enough.

"What were you thinking you crazy, beautiful girl" Aiden said to me while unlocking the chain from my ankle, it wasn't even a real chain, it looked plastic. How did I not notice this before. I looked into his eyes and seen sorrow, he looked really sad. I leaned up and kissed him with everything I had as I knew I would never get to see him again, he took the lead and kissed me back with just the same force as I had.

"I love you so much Aiden" I whispered with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too my angel" he said back to me. Just as I was cuddleing him I seen my dad get up from the floor, how could I forget that he was lying there.

"Aww aint that sweet, look at you two. It makes me sick. Get away from her Aiden or you will be next to go" my dad said his while pointing the gun at Aiden.

I pushed Aiden away from me. I wish I didn't as before I even had time to react, my dad shot him right in the stomach.

"Aiden, no please no, come on baby open your eyes. Please Aiden you can't leave me. GET YOUR ASS UP AIDEN" I was now hitting his chest trying to get his eyes to open. His eyes slowly opened.

"God Lina baby, you hit like a man" he tried to lighten up the mood, but he was doing a terrible job. He reached up and wiped the tears away that I didn't know were falling. "Don't cry my little angle, it's all going to be ok".

After he said that his eyes closed again and his breathing was slowing down. I wondered if he had his phone in his pocket, I searched and found it. I slowly turned around to see my dad still had the gun in his hand, but this time it was pointed at me. Really dad. I dialled 911 and put the phone back in his pocket. Please let this work.

"Daddy please we have to get him to the hospital. Atleast let me try and save one person. I looked over to Josh I knew it was too late for him. I couldn't beleive that this has all happened. Josh did not deserve any of this, he was driven by lust. I didn't want him to die, I would never wish that upon anymore even my enemy.

"No, they do not deserve you in their lifes Lina, we are not taking them to the hospital, they took you away from me" he sneered at me.

"You are a horrible human being, how can you be so cold, what happened to you, what made you go this far, to lose so much control?" I was now shouting at him. I didn't stop there.

"You are the one that drove me and mum away, you caused all of this. You say that you they don't deserve me in their life, it is you that doesn't deserve me in your life. I HATE YOU. I then ran at him and tried to take the gun from his hand, but he was too quick. I turned to him and the gun was once again pointed in my direction.

This is it, this is how I'm going to die. Just as it was about to beg my dad for my life, we heard sirens. Thank god that they managed to trace the call.

"How did they know we were here?" Dad shouted just as Cee Cee was waking up. "Oh no you don't girly" my dad said just as Cee Cee was crawling along the floor. Then the gun went off again and this time the bullet went into her back.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT, THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THAT. YOU MONSTER". I screamed at him and I made my way over to Cee Cee, I took my jumper off and put pressure on her back with it. "It's going to be ok Cindy, please hold on. I'm so sorry this happened to you". She managed to turn around and look at me. I could clearly see that the life was draining out of her and fast, but some how she still managed to look perfect. I gave her a small smile, which she returned.

"Lina I am so sorry, I didn't know this was going to happen, he lied to me, he promised that no one would get hurt. He told us that he just wanted his little girl to come home. Please can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you" I held her hand as her eyes began to close. I let a few tears run down my cheeks. I was crying for the loss of three innocent teenagers, one of them I will love with every breath I take until the day I die. The other two I will always remember them, as this was thier fault that Aiden was dead. They brought all of this on, they gave my dad the one thing he knew I would do anything to protect. The one person that I will always love. Aiden.

I couldn't find it in my heart to truely hate them, I would very much like them to fine peice. I will forgive them but I will never forget the pain they have caused me.

I put my hand over Cee Cee's heart, closed my eyes for one minute. I pulled myself together, I was done with crying, all the rage was building up inside me and I couldn't take it anymore, I charged to my dad once again with my fists flying everywhere trying to get a hit in, but he blocked every one of my lame ass attempts. I felt a needle go into my neck, I can't beleive he has drugged me. I was closing my eyes and the darkeness surrounded me once again. I heard my dad speak before the darkeness total consumed me.

"Sleep now my little Lina. I told you, you Can't Hide Forever".

So... Lina has been taken away by her dad. Aiden, Josh and Cee Cee have been killed. What's next in Lina's life??? Look out for a sequal. That's right, I am going to continue on with Lina's story. Hopefully you don't have to wait long. :-)

Can't Hide ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora