nineteen ;; an otter named youngjae

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3:46 p.m

"wahhh, i missed going to the mall~" i said. "hm?" youngjae asked confused. "i rarely go to the mall since i'm always busy with work and school.." i said and smiled. "but thanks to you, i finally get to go to the mall again!" i said. "hey, we should go to the arcade!" he suggested.

i nodded and smiled. "kaja!" he said and we walked to the arcade. "oooh!" i shouted when i saw the claw machine. "look youngjae! it so cute!" i said and pointed at the small otter stuff animal. he smiled at me and looked at the stuff animal.

"do you want it?" he asked. "huh?" i asked. he ignored my question, taking few changes from his pocket and inserting them in the slot holes of the machine.

"youngjae, what are you doing?" i asked, making a soft chuckle and watched him on how he concentrated to get the toy. "i'm.. trying to get you the.. the otter stuff toy.." he said, not taking his eyes off the claw.

he clicked the button and he screamed in joy. "i got it!" he shouted. "wahhh!" i followed. "how are you so good on this types of games?" i asked. "i'm a pro in video games. this is nothing!" he said with a big smile and i laughed. the toy fell out from the machine and i grabbed it.

"omo~ it's so cute!" i said and hugged the stuff animal. "i'll name you, youngjae!" i said to the otter.

youngjae looked at me in shock but in a cute way and smiled. "why youngjae?" he asked. "cause you got it for me and you look like an otter." i said. "aww.." he said and pinched both my cheeks. "you're so cute." he said and i felt my cheeks heat up a bit

its cause of the pinching! not cause of him telling me i'm cute... hehe.. oh my god. stop blushing ayeon!

"ahh! that hurts~!" i said and he stopped pinching my cheeks. i touched both sides of my cheeks, trying not to show him its red. "sorry.." he said. "i-its fine.. ehehe.." i stuttered. i removed my hands from my cheeks and went near him. "thank you youngjae." i said and stood on my tip toes to give him a small kiss on the cheek.

but instead of his cheeks, he turned to face me and both our lips touched.

oh my god- oh my god! what the- our eyes went big and i pulled away. "w-what was that for...?" he asked while touching the bottom of his chapped lip and his cheeks turned a bit reddish. "uh.." i stuttered, not breaking eye contact with him. a small smile crept up from the side of his mouth and i shouted at him.

"y-yah! you were the one who turned to face me!" i shouted and he made a small laugh. "what were you supposed to do then?" he asked. "i was just going to kiss your cheek and thank you for giving me this stuff animal but because you turned, you stole my first kiss!" i whined.

"w-wait, i'm your first kiss?" he asked.

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