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I see Jeff and Carol and immediately tense up and freeze where I am standing. The rest of the group keeps walking, and Lin looks back to see me frozen in a trance.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lin asks me but I shake my head and stay where I am. "What's wrong?"

"M-My old foster parents," I whisper but say loudly enough so he can hear.

"Guys," Lin says to the group, "how about we eat somewhere else? It's too crowded here, and I don't feel like waiting. Is that okay?"

"Sure, but can we still get Chinese food?" Oak asks.

"I don't see why not," Lin says, as we start walking back to the cars, and begin to head to another restaurant.

Dinner was good, I had honey chicken with fried rice which was so good, but so filling. After everyone finishes and we pay, we head back to the theater so the cast could get ready for the show. Lin gave me his Netflix password and hooked it up to the television so I could watch movies or a show. I set up my profile and turn on "Heathers" it's my favorite movie of all time.

Not long before the show was about to start, Lin stops by my room, "Hey, the show is about to start so stay quiet. You can keep watching your movie, but you might want to turn the volume down. Also, would you like to see the show? Not this week because all the shows are sold out, but maybe next week?"

"I would love to," I say nodding my head with a big smile on a face.

"Okay, I have to go now, gotta go do a 'Hamilton'", Lin says before leaving.

"Break a leg," a shout to him while he's walking away, and he gives me a thumbs up.

I continue to watch "Heathers" and I get a couple visits through out the show from Pippa, Anthony, Groff and Daveed.

I finish "Heathers" and pull my A. Ham, biography from my backpack and begin to read. Before I realize the show is over, and I hear a huge roar of applause coming from downstairs. Everyone comes running upstairs on a hype.

Anthony comes into my room with Jasmine behind him, "Hey, how did you hold up?"

"I did good, it was cool to hear the music live instead of through my crappy and old iPod," I respond.

"Wait, do you not have a phone?" Jasmine asks. I shake my head. "What do you have?" She adds.

"Whatever I have in my backpack, which is mostly just my things I need for school."

"I'll be right back," Jasmine said before running down the hall.

"I wonder what that was about," Anthony says, then comes over to me and sits on my bed. "Wh-"

"So, Elizabeth, Pippa, Renee, you, and I are going to go to the mall tomorrow and get you a whole wardrobe!" Jasmine exclaimed after running back down the hallway.

"You don't have to do that," I say not wanting to be spoiled.

"What else are you going to wear?" she asks.

" Good point, but what do I wear to go to bed, and wear tomorrow? Also could I bring a friend when we go shopping?"

"I should have a pair of workout shorts that don't fit me anymore that would wear tonight. Is that okay?" Anthony adds.

"Oh! And I probably have a random t-shirt and an extra outfit in my dressing room, how does that sound?"

"Thank you so much!" I reply with a high amount of gratitude for having them. They walked their separate ways to their dressing rooms and quickly return holding the clothes for me. "Once again, thank you! Also Jazzy, you never answered my question about bringing a friend shopping."

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