•twenty one•

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TRIGGER WARNING: SHOOTING AND GUNS, i do not want anyone to be triggered by the chapter, that is not my goal of this book. There will be a line of asterisks above and below the section that could be triggering to anyone.

Also this has been so long awaited, so please enjoy!

I wake up and check the clock which reads 8:38. I open up my phone which is sitting right next to the clock and see a bunch of texts from Emily.

11Texts from Emily
"where r u"
"r u okay"
"u usually answer by now"
"something wrong?"
"im love you"

I unlock my phone to quickly tell her I'm sick and I'm gonna be late to school. I walk out to the living room with my stomach feeling slightly better. I decide not to bother Jasmine and just call Lin.

The phone rings twice before he answers, "Hello, Hello, Hello."

"Hey can you come pick me up? I'm at Jasmine and Anthony's apartment."

"Uh, yeah sure, I'm on my way. Why were you there to begin?"

"Oh I wasn't feeling good yesterday but I'm feeling better now," I lie to him only so I can go to school. I weirdly like it for some reason.

"Are you sure you wanna go?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll pick you up in 30 minutes." I was gonna be late to school, but I didn't mind. At least he was somehow letting me go to school. I quickly ran into the shower, then slapped some makeup on and got dressed. I left a note on the counter for Jasmine and Anthony, then grabbed my stuff to wait for Lin. By the time I got outside, he was waiting for me on the curb. He got out of the car, helped me put my stuff in the back and gave me a hug. "HA! I knew it," he exclaimed.

"What?" I asked majorly confused. 

"You have a fever, you can't go school, silly!"

"Fine," I pouted.

"You can stay with V and I, and I already dropped Seb off with parents."

"No, it's fine. You can just drop me off at the theatre, I'll be fine."

"It wasn't really an option," he told me and I pouted again.

"No really, you can just drop me off at the theatre."

"Fine, I have a few things to do there anyway."

We got to the theatre and some fans wanted some to take some photos from Lin, and wanted him to sign his playbills. Of course I let him to it because I used to be the nerdy theatre kid wanting to meet my idol. He whispered into my ear and told me the code to enter the theatre, so I went in.

I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed. I ran into the bathroom, and ya know, I'll save you the gross details. This stomach bug just wouldn't leave me alone. I walked back to my bed and decided to turn on Bones, my favorite show in the whole universe. Some people think it is gory, but I don't really mind.

I heard the door open, and ran down the stairs to make sure it was Lin, and of course it was. I walked back to my room and fell asleep. When I woke up I heard a bang.


I sprinted out into the hallway, and saw someone with a gun pointed to the ceiling. "That's just a warning shot," the shooter said. He had a bulky build that kinda scared you, even if he wasn't holding a gun .

"Sir, there's no need for you to do this," Lin said trying to calm him down. The shooter slowly pointed the gun at Lin. Lin began to say, "Elizabeth, go get my gun," he told me while not taking his eyes of the man, but not having a temper either.

I slowly backed away to go to Lin's dressing, I found his safe and tried guessing his code. Thank God I got it right the first time. I slowly walked back out and very calmly I handed Lin the gun, not moving from behind him.

Lin pointed his gun at him, not before the man could pull the trigger. I forcefully pushed Lin away, and stood to take the bullet.


I fell to the ground and felt myself slip out of the world around me.


Sooooo, what did ya think?

I'm so sorry this took absolutely forever. Hopefully the next update won't take too long, and I won't leave you hanging on this cliff for too long.

If for some reason I don't get an update out fast enough, please don't leave me mean comments. I was reading some comments earlier and there were some disturbing comments telling me to update or they would do something not so nice. I'd prefer not to say what exactly. I'd just like to ask that you not leave me threats to update. 

However, please leave me nice comments or just leave your thoughts while reading because they're always so funny and amazing.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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