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I wake up in a very uncomfortable position, I was in a car crash. I try to get out, but no avail. The car was flipped on it side, I was stuck. I feel a sharp, stabbing pain in my gut. I try to see what's causing the pain, but it hurts too much to move. I try to stay awake, but the pain overtakes me, and I pass out.

Third Person POV
Lin receives a call around three in the morning. He grabs his phone, "Hello?" he says only being half-awake. Lin didn't recognize the number he was talking to.

"You're fostering Elizabeth Gardiner, right?" The voice on the other side of the phone asks.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Lin replies while very confused.

"She was in a car crash this morning. She's getting treatment as we speak at Franklin."

Lin feels a tear roll down his cheek, "I'll be there a soon as possible."

Lin's POV
I slip on a pair of my slippers, grab my phone and keys, and I get on the elevator. The one time regret living on the highest floor. I get down to the lobby, and rush into my car. I drive as fast as possible, without breaking traffic laws. I park the car at Franklin, and run into the ER. "Elizabeth Gardiner?" I ask the nurse behind the desk.

"Mr. Miranda?" she asks me.

"Yes, m'am," I reply with a nod.

"Let's talk," she says as she guides me into a separate room. "Elizabeth was in a car crash, along with three other teenagers. The driver was drunk, and they crashed into a middle age man. All five of them are here. Elizabeth is currently in surgery, there was some glass in her abdomen, and it was too painful to do it without anesthesia. When you can see her, I will notify you," She explains.

"Thank you so much," I say as we stand. I walk into the waiting room, I check my phone and it's 3:26. I decide to text Anthony and Jasmine to inform them of what's going on. I walk back over to the lady at the front desk and say, "If there is an update, please call me." I scribble my number down on a sticky note pad she slides my way.

I walk back out to my car, and try to back to sleep. I was too stressed from what happened to Elizabeth, and way too tired to function. I needed coffee, I walk back into the hospital and look for the cafeteria. I find the cafeteria, make myself coffee, pay for it, then back to the car to sleep. I finally fall asleep to be awoken by a call. I fish for my phone in my pocket expecting a call from the hospital, but only getting one from Anthony. "What?" I say kind of annoyed.

"Lin, I get it. Your foster daughter is in the hospital, but you don't need to take it out on me. I was just calling to see where you were, I don't see you in the waiting room," Anthony calmly explains.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I am in the parking lot in my car. I was trying to sleep, and get my mind off of what is happening," I apologize, and explain.

"Jaz and I are coming out there now. Bye," He says before I hang up. I see them walk out of the hospital, both of them were still in their pajamas, since it was only four in the morning. "So, what do we now?" Anthony asks.

"We wait, that's all we can do," I say, and turn around to see them in the back seat cuddling. Their such love birds. I see Jasmine close her eyes and fall asleep on Anthony's chest. I get another call, but this time from an unknown number. "Hello?" I ask.

"Mr. Miranda?" The other person asks, and I recognize the voice. It was the nurse from earlier.

"This is him."

"Elizabeth is out of surgery, she isn't awake but you can see her." 

"Thank you so much, I will be inside in a couple minutes," I say and hang up.

Saved By Lin-ManuelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora