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before i start, i would like to thank you guys for all your reads, comments, and votes. i have 1.6K reads, which is honestly mind blowing. thank you so much!! also, if you have an idea for the story, feel free to message them to me, or send them to me on instagram. my username is: broad.slay

Sean was coming over, and I was kind of nervous, but things went well. We talked for awhile. Apparently we went to the same school, we just never saw each other. We talked and got to know each other. I learned that Sean was into sports, but was still smart, and wasn't your average jock.

Sean and I decide to watch "The Longest Ride", it's so sweet and kind of romantic. We finish the movie, and I can't stop smiling. It's my favorite movie, and the ending is adorable. "Thanks for coming over, I had a lot of fun," I tell Sean as we stand up, and he passes me my crutches.

"I really enjoy spending time with you," he says. He walks, and I crutch to the stairs. We look into each to others eyes, I can sense the tension between us. The next thing I know, I feel his lips crash into mine. I let the moment overtake me before I hear footsteps and they suddenly stop. I push Sean away to see Lin standing in the hall.

Lin stares at Sean and I, and I feel like a deer caught in headlights. "Get out," Lin says while staring at Sean.

"I'm sorry, sir. Wha-" Sean starts but gets cut off by Lin.

"I said, get out," Lin repeats still mad as I've ever seen. Sean bows his head, and silently leaves. Lin watches him walk him, and tells me to follow him to his dressing room. "What was that about?" he exclaims, while my head is hung low. "So, you're not going to answer?"

"What do you want me to say?" I ask him. "That I'm sorry? I'm not sorry."

"I don't trust him," he says pointing towards the door. "You barely know him."

"I know more than you think," I mumble under my breath.

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I know more about him than you think," I say louder.

"Name eight things about him if you know him so well."

"He goes to the same school as me," I start and Lin puts his finger up for each one I say. "He has an older sister a college named Sarah. He's in 10th grade. His favorite color is red. He has a dog named Cookie. He really likes Slurpees, and his favorite flavor is blue raspberry. His favorite food is chicken nuggets. Enjoy your eight facts," I finish, while grabbing my crutches and begin to leave.

"Wait," Lin says. "I don't want you seeing him anymore."

"Why?" I ask him.

"I don't trust him," he informs me. I storm down the hall and lock myself in my room. Even if Sean and I didn't end up dating, he would have been a great friend. A couple minutes later, I hear a knock at the door, "Let me in." It was Lin, he was a lot more calm then before. I ignore him until I hear him walk away.

I get a couple texts from Lin I was okay, but I didn't answer. Why didn't Lin trust him? He seemed fine, he seemed genuinely nice. I text Sean, asking him if he wanted to meet me at the coffee shop down the street from the theater, and I told him I would explain. He said yes, and I had to sneak out. I peak out of my room, and don't see Lin. I sit down on the stairs, with my crutches in my hand, and slide down. If I hopped or crutched down, I would make too much noise going down, and Lin couldn't know I was leaving.

I go down the street, and into the coffee shop to see Sean sitting there inside already with a drink. I order an iced caramel macchiato, then join him. "What was that about?" he asks while I sit down.

"Lin doesn't trust you, he says that I don't know you enough to have this good of a relationship with you," I explain to him.

"Maybe I'll have to show him he can trust me," he says with a smirk.

"I guess you will," I say with a smile but a questioning look.

We talk for a little while longer and finish our drinks before I have to leave. I sneak back into the theater successfully and listen to music. I put on my Broadway playlist, and a couple minutes later, Lin comes into my room. "Are you okay?"

"Would you talk to him?"


"Sean. Would you sit down and talk to him?"

"I guess if he came here, I would talk to him."


"I guess so."

"Does today work?"

"If he means that much to you," Lin says to me. I jump up and hug him.

"I'll text him," I inform Lin and he heads back to his dressing room. I tell Sean what's going on, and he says he'll be here in five. When Sean arrives, I open the door for him, and show him to Lin's dressing room, and pray that everything goes well.

About fifteen minutes later, I see Sean standing in my doorway and I hop over to him. "I'm getting a second chance, and we're going on a date Friday," he tells me, then engulfs me in a hug and I can't help but smile. He tells me he has to go to football practice, and we say goodbye.

The rest of the night goes smoothly. I hang out with Andrew, Elizabeth (Judd), Alysha and Austin downstairs. Andrew pulls out his phone, and takes a video of me on Snapchat with Elizabeth. "Look who we have," he starts, then flips the camera around at us. "We have Elizabeth and Elizabeth," he says while Elizabeth and I hug each other. People coming in and out making sure not to miss any cues.

I see Thayne and Gregory with the cookies and I approach them. "Can I have a cookie?" I ask, but Thayne pulls the bag towards his chest.

"Give Elizabeth a cookie," Gregory says, and hits Thayne's arm.

Thayne reluctantly hands me a cookie, and I thank them. We talk for a bit longer, and before I know the show was over. I head back upstairs to my room, and people come in to say goodbye or good-night. After everyone leaves, I shower and get ready for bed, then fall asleep.

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