Chapter 1

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Olivia Benson's POV

                        Flashback to 2006
Come on Olivia push I hear the nurse say. I can't push anymore! Olivia just one more push and she will be out! I have now been in labor for 30 hours and I'm exhausted I have no more strength left. As I feel the next contraction I push with everything I have left and feel something slip out of my body. All of a sudden the nurses rush my baby out of the room. What's  going on why isn't she crying?! Please tell me my baby is ok! Olivia she's not breathing we will do everything we can to get her breathing. The tears start pouring down my face. It's a girl? Yes Olivia it's a girl. I start sobbing my baby girl can't die! A half hour later a doctor comes into my room. I'm sorry Olivia we did everything we could but your baby didn't make it. NO! I start sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating. I love my baby so much! This can't be happening!
                                 Present day
Momma I heard my 2 year old son Noah say bringing me out of my thoughts. Yes sweet boy? He comes up to me and wipes the tears from my eyes. "Momma sad?" Yes baby boy momma is sad. But you always make it all better. Noah gives me a kiss in the check then goes back to playing with his cars. My mind drifts back to my baby. She would have been 10 yesterday. I never got to see her or hold her. I couldn't have a proper funeral because they wouldn't let me see the body. But I named her Kenzie Nicole Benson. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her or wish that she was here with Noah and I. After putting Noah to bed I fall asleep holding the last sonogram picture I got of my baby 2 weeks before she died.
                           Kenzie' POV
I normally get chained to a wall but tonight they put me in a cage because I fought back and bit one of the men attacking me. My whole life I have wondered about my real parents. I know Scott isn't my real dad. He told me that and there are a lot of other girls here. The only thing I know is my name is Kenzie Benson and that a doctor sold me to Scott after I was born. We have to make the men that come in happy or we get in trouble like I did tonight. I got beat and locked in a cage. I have tried to escape but I get punished severely for it so I gave up. I wonder if my real mom knows I'm with these people. All of a sudden I scream in pain as someone pulls me out of the cage by my hair and starts beating my back with a belt. "You will learn how to behave Kenzie!" Then everything goes black. When I wake up I'm back in the cage and I just start crying. I want all of this to end! I end up whispering I want to meet my real mommy and start crying harder. Is she pretty and nice? Or did she agree with selling me to these men? Those are the last thoughts on my mind when I finally fall asleep.

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