Chapter 4

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                                           Olivia Benson's POV
It has been 3 hours since Kenzie was rushed back in the emergency room. I'm still cuddled up to Ed but I'm starting to think the worst. Ed, I'm so scared that she won't make it. After all this time I'm so happy she wasn't dead, I just can't help but wonder if she's going to pull through this time. I can't go through that again Ed. Then I just start sobbing. "Baby, you have to believe that she will be okay. She's a fighter just like you. She has survived in those conditions for 10 years, she will pull through." I see a doctor come out and I immediately stand up. I hold onto Ed's hand afraid of what's to come next. "Kenzie has been severely beaten with a belt all over her body, she has also been raped repeatedly for years. She has broken ribs, and bald spots on her head from someone pulling her hair. Shes also very underweight, they starved her.nShe's very lucky to be alive Ms. Benson, but she has a long recovery ahead. I immediately turn into Ed's chest and start sobbing. My poor baby has been through so much. I wish I knew she was alive a long time ago. I hear Ed and the doctor talking but I can't focus on that. All I can think about is how much pain Kenzie has been in for years.  What draws me out of my thoughts is Ed asking if we can see her."Only one of you at a time. She's not awake yet, she should be awake soon." With that the doctor walks away. "Good ahead Liv, I will call Barba and see if there is any legal action we need to take for you to get custody." Thank you so much Ed. I can never repay you for finding Kenzie. "Liv you don't have to thank me, go be with Kenzie I will see you later." I kiss him goodbye then head to Kenzie's room. Once I get there I take a deep breath preparing myself for what I'm about to see. I gasp when I walk in the room. She is hooked up to a bunch of machines she looks so small. Tears run down my face as I pull up a chair next to her bed and hold her hand. I start pushing the hair out of her face as I tell her how much I love her while I wait for her to wake up.
                                          Kenzie Benson's POV
The next thing I know I hear beeping, I also feel something soft under me and someone talking and hold my hand. I try to open my eyes but it's impossible. Wait what if this lady is here to hurt me? I need to open my eyes. I fight with all my strength and finally my eyes open and I see a woman crying looking at me. Oh no she's mad at me, I'm going to get beat. I try to move away, I'm petrified of her. "Kenzie don't move baby, your hurt." I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I will be good I promise! I move as far back as possible in the bed. This lady just keeps staring at me, but I am in so much pain from moving I don't say anything. "Kenzie do you know who I am?" I shake my head no and say your here to hurt me. "Kenzie I would never hurt you sweetie, you didn't deserve anything that happened to you." Who are you? Why are you being nice to me? "Kenzie honey, I'm your real mom."

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