Chapter 3

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                                               Olivia Benson's POV
I was working on paperwork in my office when the door bursts open and I see Ed out of breath with a look in his eyes but I can't tell what it means. "Liv we need to talk about Kenzie." Immediately freeze. Ed I don't want to talk about this right now. "Liv! You don't understand! Kenzie is alive! "Ed that's not even funny stop joking around."Its true Liv! Look at me!" I turn around and look him in the eyes. "I found doctor Sampson and took him in for questioning at IAB. Liv he admitted that he sold Kenzie to pimps. She's out there somewhere!" I start shaking and hyperventilating, Ed comes over and helps me sit down on the couch. Once I calm down tears start pouring down my face. My baby is really alive? "Yes Liv, my partner at IAB is trying to get the name of the man she got sold to." I can't believe she was sold! What has Kenzie been through?! "I don't know Liv, but what I do know is once we get her home you will help her heal and love her." I give him a kiss and start grabbing my stuff. "Liv, where are you going?" I'm going to IAB, I need to be there when she is found. Ed drives me to IAB, once we get by the room I see doctor Sampson. I run in there and start punching him and I just couldn't stop. What did you do to my baby? Why?! Ed pulls me out and of there and holds me close. "Liv that's not the way to react. We need him to tell us his friends name." I just want my baby girl back Ed. "I know you do Liv and I promise we will bring her home." His partner comes out of the interrogation room and says "He gave us a name! Scott Sampson his brother!" I rush over to the computer with them. "Scott owns a warehouse in Brooklyn it's a hour away!" I'm going with you! "Liv, your to close to the case,". Ed I'm going in that's my daughter! I want to be the one to find her! "Fine but when we get there put a vest on. The drive there felt like it took forever. For the past 45 minutes I have cried because I can't believe after 10 years Kenzie is alive. I make a promise to myself in the car that I will never let her go and I will help her through whatever she has been through. When we finally pull up the warehouse I jump out of the car and put my vest on and pull my gun out. I'm ready to rescue my daughter and bring her home. Ed puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me to be careful. We enter the warehouse and yell NYPD OPEN UP! All of a sudden we hear a scream, I hope it's not Kenzie. Ed arrested Scott and took him out of the house while the officers and I looked for kids. We see kids everywhere but none of them say their Kenzie. We searched the whole house and no sign of Kenzie. I collapse against the wall sobbing, I knew it was too good to be true. All of a sudden a little girl comes up to me. "Why are you crying? You saved us! Thank you!" Your welcome sweetie, I thought my daughter was here but she's not. "What's her name?" Kenzie. "I know where she is! She's in trouble she's in the basement. That's where he puts us when we don't listen." Sweetie we looked in the basement no one is down there. "She's there! Follow me!" I follow the girl even though I know she's not down there. "She's under the blanket over there!" Then she runs upstairs. The blanket is covering something and I run over not getting my hopes to high. I pull off the blanket and gasp. They locked her in a cage! He is sick! KENZIE! I scramble to open the cage. When I do I see she's completely naked with cuts and bruises everywhere. I yell up the stairs I NEED EMTS DOWN HERE NOW! Kenzie baby please open your eyes! Mommy is here, I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again! Please wake up! I can't lose you when I just found you! I hold her to my chest and start crying into her hair. Once the EMTS came down and put her on the stretcher I followed them holding Kenzie's hand. "Liv! I will meet you at the hospital!" Okay Ed. I love you! I hop in the back of the ambulance and sit down next to Kenzie. They hooked her up to monitors but she still hasn't opened her eyes. I just stare at her taking everything in. She looks like a mini version of me. She has the same hair color, nose and mouth as me. I'm never leaving her side. We finally get to the hospital, I want to follow them through the doors but they won't let me. "Ms.Benson, Kenzie is in very critical condition right now, she might not make it.I will let you know how she is doing and with that she takes off. "Liv!" I turn around and see Ed and run into his arms. She's hurt bad Ed. I'm afraid what if she doesn't survive? I just got her back, I can't lose her again! "Baby she will be fine she's a fighter just like you. I just continue to cry into Ed's chest while we wait for news on Kenzie.

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