Chapter 9

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                                                             Olivia Benson's POV
After the kids took a nap and had lunch, Kenzie was enjoying learning how to play with her dolls. I'm sitting on the couch cuddling with Ed, I can't believe I have my baby back. I still feel like I'm going to wake up from a dream and she won't be here. I can't believe how lucky I am to have two beautiful children. "Do you want me to spend the night to help you out with the kids?" I think we might be better off if it is just me because until Kenzie gets comfortable with you I don't think it's the best idea for you to sleep over. "Okay babe." After everyone had dinner Ed left, I just got done putting Noah to bed. Now time to tackle Kenzie. Kenzie it's time to start getting ready for bed, I'm going to start your bath. All of a sudden she starts freaking out. "NO BATH MOMMY! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME! I WILL BE GOOD!" Sweetie a bath isn't a bad thing I want you to be clean. I promise I won't touch you down there ever. "Okay..." After I got her done with her bath and in bed it was after nine so I decided to clean up the living room. After I put all the toys away I laid in bed and FaceTimed with Ed. I wish he could have spent the night but with Kenzie's state of mind right now it's not the best idea. I eventually fell into a deep sleep.
                                               Kenzie Benson's POV
I just woke up from a nightmare and the clock says it's 3am. I didn't scream or make noise so my mom didn't hear me. I'm laying here curled up in a ball crying. I want to go to my mom but I don't want to wake her up and get in trouble. I see the teddy bear my mom got for me. I hold it close and start crying even harder. All of a sudden I heard the door open and see my mom coming in. I'm sorry for waking you up it won't happen again! Please don't hurt me! "Sweetie you didn't wake me up I got up to go to the bathroom. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Nothing I'm fine. "No your not Kenzie please talk to me." I had a bad dream mommy, when I say that I'm sniffling. Scott came back for me and you told him to take me! At this point I was crying hysterically. My mom wrapped her arms around me. "Shh it's ok baby it was just a dream. I would never tell anyone to take you." After a few minutes I finally calmed down. "Don't be afraid to wake me up if you need me baby." Okay mommy. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Do I have to touch you? I never made a girl feel good before. I see my mom start crying. "No baby not ever." Okay I want to sleep with you." I cuddled up in my moms arms in her bed and we both fell asleep.

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