Chapter 18

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                          Olivia Benson's POV

Kenzie was up most of the night because of nightmares. It breaks my heart especially since every time she wakes up she thinks she's in trouble. I'm really going to have to get her in therapy I just don't know how she will react. I'm going to give it a few more days before I bring it up. She is still getting adjusted to being home with me but she loves Noah. I love watching Kenzie sleep, I still can't believe she is here with me right now. All of a sudden I see her staring to open her eyes. Good morning baby. "Good morning mommy." What do you want for breakfast baby? "I want pancakes mommy!" Pancakes it is baby, you and noah love your pancakes! "They also need a lot of syrup mommy!" Yes baby you can use syrup and so can Noah!

                         Kenzie Bensons's POV

I can't believe my mommy is making us pancakes for breakfast! I am so happy! I'm so tired from being up all night from my nightmares. I am afraid to tell my mommy because I don't want to get in trouble for being tired. I know she says she won't hurt me but how do I know if that's true? So far she hasn't hurt me or gotten mad at me but that doesn't mean that she won't. I think Ed is coming over later too. Ed has been really nice but I'm still afraid of him. All men have ever done is hurt me. I hope that one day I can trust my mom and Ed. I just really wish that day would come so I can make mommy happy. I know mommy misses Ed and wants him over more but I'm not ready yet. I hope I will be ready soon so mommy can be happy. After eating pancakes I fell asleep on the floor while playing with Noah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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