Chapter 6

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                                                Olivia Benson's POV
Ed has been amazing today, I don't know how I will ever repay him. He made sure Lucy can take care of Noah for a few days and he will go stay with him at night until Kenzie is allowed to come home. He is also decorating the guest room to make it her room, I'm excited for her to see it. I don't know what I would do without him. I can't believe he found out my baby girl is alive. Kenzie has been sleeping off and on all night, waking up with nightmares. I have been able to calm her down for the most part but, I know we're a long way from her trusting me. She thinks when she wakes up I won't be here. Scott and doctor Sampson are going to pay for all the pain they have put me and Kenzie through. I will stop at nothing to make sure I get justice for Kenzie. This should have never happened. I hope one day Kenzie will realize how much I love and wanted her. They completely brainwashed her into thinking it's her fault I didn't want her. All of a sudden I see Kenzie's eyes open. Hey baby girl, how are you feeling? "It still hurts mommy." I'm so sorry baby it's going to hurt for a while but the nurse should be coming with your medicine soon. "Mommy do I really get to go home with you? Your not sending me back to those mean men?" Yes you are sweetheart, you will never have to go back there again I promise. I will never let them hurt you again. You also have a little brother who is 2 his name is Noah. I see her eyes light up for the first time it melts my heart. "Really? A little brother mommy?" Yes baby a little brother who can't wait to meet his big sister once you are able to go home.
                                                     Kenzie Benson's POV
I can't believe my mommy just told me I have a little brother! I can't wait to meet him when I am finally able to go home. I still don't believe I'm going home, I don't even know what a home is. Mommy what is a home? "A home is somewhere where people who love you live with you. It will be me, you and Noah, and sometimes when my boyfriend Ed comes to visit. Do you want to meet him when he comes here later? "Will he really not hurt me? "No baby he won't hurt you I promise, I will also be here the whole time. Maybe I can see if he can bring Noah too, Noah loves him." Okay I will meet him. I can't wait to meet Noah mommy! "How about you get some more rest before they get her." Okay mommy, will you be here when I wake up? "Yes baby I promise I will be here."

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