Chapter 2

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                                      Olivia Benson's POV
I woke up a few hours later to a quiet knock on the door. I forgot I asked Ed to come over. I have never told him about Kenzie but, I decided tonight that I am. I have really been struggling the past 10 years especially when it's around her birthday. I open the door and give him a kiss. Hi baby, I missed you. "I missed you too Liv." I get two bottles of water and we sit on the couch. Ed there's something I need to tell you and I'm not sure how your going to react. "What is it Liv? You can tell me anything." I look into his eyes and say 10 years ago I gave birth to a baby girl who I named Kenzie Benson but she died, the doctors told me she was still born. I start crying, Ed wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. "I'm so sorry baby, I bet it was really hard to hold her and say goodbye." I never got to Ed. That's what hurts the most! "What are you talking about Liv?" I never got to even look at her they took her away right when she came out and I never saw her again. I couldn't even have a funeral for her. "Liv baby, that doesn't sound sound right. They have to release her body for a funeral. I'm going to look into it. What was the name of the hospital?" Mercy but Ed it's been 10 years there's no way they would still have her body.
                                             Ed Tucker's POV
After Liv cried herself to sleep in my arms I stared at the ceiling thinking. There is something suspicious about this whole thing and I am determined to get to the bottom of it. I need to find that doctor. I am determined to give Liv closure. She needs it. When I go into work in the morning my first stop is Mercy hospital.
                                 The next morning: Ed Tucker's POV
I went to Mercy hospital and found of the name of Olivia's doctor 10 years ago. I am on my way to his apartment now to find out exactly what happened that day Kenzie was born. I knock on his apartment door when he answers I show him my badge. He lets me in and tells me to have a seat. Doctor Sampson, I am here because I want to know what happened to Olivia Benson's daughter. I see that doctors eyes go wide as he looks down at his hands. Please Mr. Sampson, Olivia needs closure she's been struggling with this. Why couldn't she see her daughter? Or have a funeral? "I want a lawyer." I put him in handcuffs and read him his rights. I just got him to IAB. I just explained the situation and they agree that what happened doesn't sound right. I go into the interview room with my partner. His lawyer speaks. "If my client, Mr. Sampson tells you what really happen we want a deal." My heart drops was Kenzie murdered? That would destroy Liv. I tell them that it depends on what he tells us. Mr. Sampson starts speaking. "I sold Ms. Benson's daughter to my friend who pimps out the girls to men and makes sure they stay in line. I couldn't resist, an SVU detectives daughter pimped out its perfect! Before I know it I have him pinned up against the wall. You son of a bitch! Do you have any idea what you put Olivia through?! My partner then pulls me off of him. While they try to get a name and location out of him I race to the 1-6 to tell Liv Kenzie is alive. I told my partner to let me know when they know where she is.
                                    Kenzie' POV
I'm still in the cage the next day. They haven't let me eat in days. I just want to die. I wonder what life is like outside of this place. Do I have a real mom? Why did she do this to me? Scott always tells me it's my fault for everything, and that it's my moms fault I'm here. I guess I will never know. I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life. I see Scott come in with the belt saying it's time for my punishment. I just want to die.

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