Inside the cave

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Chara chose to go inside.

"Come on Frisk, it'll be fun" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, ok" Frisk answered. Chara entered the cave as she held Frisk's hand slightly blushing while she held her phone in the other as a light so they wouldn't trip.

"Now... we should sit down somehow... where to sit?" Chara wondered. Frisk squeezed Chara's hand a little.

"How about over there?" Frisk suggested as he pointed to an area with a small amount of rocks.

"Ok" Chara agreed as she sat down on a rock while Frisk sat a little further away on the ground. It was actually more confortable than they expected.

"Um, Chara can you come here?" Frisk asked as he blushed but luckily it was too dark for Chara to see it.

"Sure, what'cha need?" Chara asked as she walked over to Frisk and sat next to him.

"Can you sit infront of me?" He asked and blushed even more. Chara blushed but nodded and sat infront of Frisk. She sat so she was facing him.

"Ok... now what?"

Frisk swiftly pulled Chara into his lap with their faces were only inches away.

"E-Eh?" Chara stuttered and blushed as she noticed how close their faces were. Frisk opened his eyes a little and revealed a caring red similar to Chara's but more calm and relaxing.

"F-Frisk, why do you always keep your eyes closed?" Frisk stayed silent. He looked down at his lap.

"Sorry, you don't have-"

"Bullies" Frisk interrupted.

"What?" Chara asked.

"I would get bullied for having 'demon eyes'... or that's what they called them" Frisk said, the space between them widening a little. Chara stayed silent and hugged Frisk.

"It's ok Frisk, that's all in the past" she assured "they may think you have 'demon eyes' but I think you have the most beautiful, kind and caring eyes-"

"But that's what you think! what about the others?!" Frisk interrupted, almost in tears.

"And do you think the others would think you have demon eyes?" Chara asked and hugged him close.

"U-Uh, n-no..."

"Exactly, look at me for example. I have red eyes and they don't jugde me". Chara stated.

"Out of the two of us, who was genocidal?" Frisk asked as he squeezed the person still in his lap.

"W-Well... I kind controlled you to do that" Chara reasoned.

"Like you said, I had no control..." Frisk said and leaned down, bringing Chara wih him. She blushed but soon smiled.

"So if anyone has the so called 'demon eyes', it's me, so don't you worry" she told him and gave him a hug.

"Oh really? So I guess you really are my little demon" Frisk flirted and kissed Chara for a second. Chara blushed

"Well this demon loves you" she flirted back and also kissed Frisk for a second.

"And I love you too" Frisk replied as he placed his lips on hers and stroked her milk chocolate hair. Chara kissed back and cupped his cheeks, making the kiss deeper. Soon they break away from the lack of air and Frisk looked at his watch.

"Wow, we've been here for awhile. It's almost time for dinner, we should head back" Frisk stood up with Chara still in his arms. Chara noticed she was still in Frisk's arms and blushed.

"Y-Yeah... we should go back. B-But I do have a question. W-Why are y-you carrying me?" Chara stuttered.

"Because you're warm and Snowdin's cold" Frisk replied as if it was the most simplest anwer he could ever come up with. Chara's blush deepened (if that was possible) and sighed. Frisk started to walk back home, holding Chara in his arms.


Me: ok that's it from me, sorry it took so long, I was working on my other stories and well, you can't really copy and paste Wattpad messages... or I can't at least, I have to use my phone and my computer. My computer for the messages and my phone to type them down. Since my family share the computer it's a bit of a hassle but meh, don't care

Goodbye from Mari-chan! :3

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