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~Time skip because I had actual lessons at this point~

It was lunch time and Rex came up to Chara and Frisk with 3 others.

"Hey guys! We were just about to go sit down over there! Wanna come?" Rex invited. Chara and Frisk nodded and went to sit down.

Frisk was about to sit down and eat his lunch when he realised he forgot his lunchbox at home.

"Uh... guys?" Frisk asked "I kinda forgot my lunchbox at home..." he admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Same old Frisk" Chara sighed "you can have some of my lunch if you want"

"No that's ok Chara, I'll just get something from the cafeteria" he said and walked to the lunch line.

When Frisk came back, M.K was following close behind with his lunch box hanging from his mouth.

"Hey Char' look who I found ."Frisk said with a bright smile. Chara's eyes widened.

"M.K? Is that you?" She asked.

"Yo Its Been while!!! Last time I saw you was at waterfall with Frisk ." Monster kid pratically yelled.

"What's this monster talking about?" Rex asked.

"Well we haven't told you or anyone yet but for the past year, I was the only human to fall then Frisk fell and me and my brother saved him" Chara explained.

Rex's eyes widened. "I never knew you had a brother," he said in shock. Chara rubbed the back of her head.

"Well, you see... um... Toriel adopted me when I fell into the underground and she had a child called Asriel" Chara exclaimed.

"I see, well then, where is he now?" Maddie asked. Chara looked down.

"H-He died" Chara responded.

Rex's eyes widened "oh wow... I'm real sorry for your loss..."

Chara's eyes were filled with tears as she turned to Frisk and hugged him. Frisk comforted her by hugging her back. He kissed her forehead.

"Let's just talk about something else ok guys?" Frisk asked, not wanting to bring back any more bad memories for Chara.

The thing is, he would get small flashbacks of Chara's memories when they travelled through the under ground. Not only that, he felt what she felt. When she was happy, he was happy. When she was sad, he was sad. And she was sad most of the time. It made Frisk sad to think back about it too. That's when Frisk remembered something that was going to happen on her b-day. He smiled at that.

"Hey Chara I found a temmie yesterday " Frisk said. She gave him a quizzical look. He motioned for her and the rest to follow. Soon, they got to the field. Since it was during lunch hours, they were allowed to hang around school.He looked around for the temmie from yesterday.

"I doubt that Temmie's still gonna-" She started but was interrupted by Frisk.

"Oh there they are " said Frisk as he walked over to it. Frisk picked it up and started walking back with it in his arms.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" The Temmie greeted. Chara and the rest looked at it. While Chara was neutral about it, having seen it before, the rest of them awed at the cute thing. M.K... just stared at it... not in disgust but... it's M.K, get used to it.

"Hey Tem,"Chara greeted like it was normal for a 'cat' to be talking .

"HOi CHaRa !" it greeted back as Frisk put it on Chara's head.

Chara looked up at her head in confusion. She looked at Frisk who stood there with a proud smirk on his face.

"Uh...." Chara said in confusion.

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