Frisk's other side

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"I'm sure Chara would love to hear you right now" Karma said as they teleport back home.

When they got to the front door, they heard screams. Karma got Frisk's keys out and opened the door only to find Chara getting tortured by unknown people.

"Stop lying! Frisk has to be here. Where is he?!" Said one of them

"I-I will never tell you! D-Do what you want with me, I-I won't let you lay a finger on him. Y-You may have injured my hands, but once I-I get my strength back I'll-AAAAAAAAAHH" Chara screamed as she was electricuted once more. Frisk saw this and got angry, making him morph back into a human.

"Leave my girlfriend alone!!" Frisk yelled. The people that were torturing Chara turned to look at him and started to approach.

"F-Frisk? No! D-Don't you lay a finger o-on him" Chara yelled. She broke out of the straps and lunged towards them with a knife, forgetting about the collar on her neck. A woman pressed a button and the collar gave off electric shocks but Chara didn't care and went for it. She teleported infront of Frisk and went into a protective stance.

"I-If you want to hurt Frisk, you're gonna have to go through me!" She yelled, knife in hand despite it hurting.

"Chara..." Frisk whispered. Chara was determined to make sure they didn't hurt Frisk. She started to attack, wincing each time she slashed her knife. Once they were all injured, they ran off. The woman still had the remote in her hand, she turned it up to the max and pressed the button. Chara got the shock of her life and fell to the ground before the woman disappeared.

"Chara " Frisk caught her before she hit the ground. His left eye turned a pure gold and his right eye turned a hellish blood red. Black strips formed under his eyes going in an arrow like line, his tail grew a darker brown as did his ears.

"Holy shit, t-this isn't good " Karma stuttered. Frisk placed Chara on the couch.

"F-Frisk what's happening to you?" Chara asked as she caressed his cheek. Frisk looked down a little, his ears resting on his head.

"₩hø ď¡đ țh¡§ ţθ ý0μ?" Frisk asked, his voice demonic and rasp. Frisk laid his head that was slowly turning into a snout on Charm's chest.

"He's turning into a hell hound" Karma informed but soon smirked.

"Is that bad?" Chara asked as she rubbed Frisk's head.

"It would've been, if he didn't have a master~" Karma purred out.

"A master?" Chara asked, confused.

"It's clear not only does he love you, you seem to have tamed him and that's pretty hard to tame a teen wolf " Karma said and sat in a chair next to Toriel.

"I tamed him?" Chara asked. Karma nodded.

"A wolf would only let their master ride them and the wolf would also try to show off or impress their master" Karma continued. "Plus you hold his mark. You know when he bit your neck? He left a special mark telling other wolves to back off and let them know you're his." Karma winked.

"What is he talking about Chara?" Toriel asked.

"Nothing important "Chara quickly said. Frisk was now almost completely transformed.

"F-Frisk...this may be ironic coming from me but you need to calm down, then I'll tell you who" Chara said, petting his head.

"This isn't only from anger. You can tell if you look into his eyes. This is something that happens to mostly every wolf. To keep him in check, more like keep him calm in this case, just look into his eyes and don't break contact. Calmly rub his fur in different places. Keeping eye contact is a way of showing him who is in charge. Luckily, Frisk isn't an aggressive wolf. If he was, then you would have to fight him. But seeing how things are going, I'm positive you won't have to fight for dominance" Karma explained in a low calm voice. Chara nodded.

"And don't show fear or any signs of weakness or he will get the upper hand and a different view of you. Instead of you just being his lover you will become his slave if you fail" Karma added.

"Yeah that doesn't pressure me at all... although I wouldn't mind being his slave..." she mumbled the last part. Karma smirked.

"I mean, you could become his sex slave but you know" Karma said. Chara blushed, took a deep breath and looked into Frisk's eyes. She didn't break contact and she started rubbing him in certain places and got different reactions, growls and mumbles.

Frisk started to turn back to normal, starting with his tail, then the paws, fur,and last of all his face. Frisk crawled off of Chara and bowed down, his forehead almost touching the ground.

"M-My apologies ..........Master " Frisk said, not lifting up his head.

"Master huh?" Chara said with amazement.

"You did it Chara, I think you broke the record for fastest tamer. Now he's your .... pet I guess you could say. So humans would call us tamed" Karma informed, impressed.

"So Frisk is in my control?" Chara asked as she looked back at Frisk.

"Yes he is aware but since the contract or bond between you two was just made Frisk is under your full command even for the most simplest of things" Karma explained.

"Hmm Frisk"

"Yes Master?" Frisk asked, still bowing.

"Kiss me"

"With pleasure" Frisk said and stood back up. He kissed Chara with extreme passion before pulling way.

"How long is he in my control?" Chara asked as she tried to ignore the comment Karma made with their mom sitting right next to them.

"One, until you release from the control or whatever or two, at a full moon which is in 5 days" Karma says glancing at the speechless Monster beside him

"Huh, 5 days," Chara mumbled. Karma nodded.

"Yeah so, I have to go, I have to get ready for a date with Sophie" Karma smirked and disappeared.

"Um... who's Sophie?" Chara asked.

"Just a girl who captured mom" Frisk replied. Toriel was still speechless.

"Wait, so Frisk is under your full control?" Toriel asked. Chara nodded, unsure.

"Well then, don't take advantage of that if you know what I mean" Toriel said while giggling. Both Chara and Frisk blushed.

"Mom!" They both yelled.


Me: Ok done! I'm did this while I was at my friend's house :3 also don't forget to check out my best Charisk friend Razy_writes's version!

Goodbye from Mari-chan!

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