.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Six

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Colby was being so annoying. That kid just never shut up, did he? Ever since we'd taken Blake and Alina back to the Tozier house, it was non-stop questioning. I mean, if I wanted to tell him where the hell we were going, I would have told him. 

"Can I take the paper bag off my head, now?" Ah, yes. I'd forced him to put a paper bag over his head, too, so he couldn't even see. A blindfold wouldn't be good enough. I'd keep looking at his lips then crash. That wouldn't be good. At all. 

I wasn't taking him anywhere special. I just loved to annoy him, even though I knew exactly how I felt now. I could have taken him to some place that only the two of us would understand. I could have drove to our old elementary school, where we'd first met, or the treehouse, where he'd taken me on my birthday. God, my birthday felt like it was decades ago. Of course, that would be weird, because you have one every year. Alright. I'm even confusing myself here.

Colby's car - Yes, I was too lazy to go get my own from my house - rolled to a stop in front of Dairy Queen. What? It's not weird. Everyone loves ice cream. Besides, ice cream dates are cute. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did I say date? No. I just dumped Riley. Going on a date not even a day later is kinda slutty. And I'm not a slut, no matter how bad my thoughts can be. 

I glanced over at Colby. "Hey, stupid, you can take it off."

He ripped it off instantly. Man. Did he have something against paper bags or something? A small frown formed on his face. "What the. . .? Diary Queen?! You covered my face so you could take me to Dairy Queen?"

"No," I said sarcastically. "I covered your face so I could take you to the moon."

"Call me crazy, but the moon looks a whole lot like Earth." He said very stupidly. It was cute, though. Argh. See what he does? Turns me into a freaking pirate. 

As I opened the door to get out, I couldn't help but notice that the car next to ours - well, Colby's - was insanely familiar. I couldn't decide where I'd seen it before. It was probably just a commercial for that car or something. Or I was going crazy. Oops. Did I say going? I can't say that anymore. I am crazy. No doubt about that. After all, I was in love with the guy I used to hate. 

As we entered Dairy Queen, I poked Colby in the arm. "You're going to ask the person for the ice creams. I'll give you the money." Before he could even argue, I pulled out a couple dollars and shoved it at him.

He rose his eyebrows. "Ice creams? Don't you mean ice cream? I don't know if you add an 's' to it to make it plural." 

I slapped my forehead, groaning. "What are you, the grammar police?"

"Nah. If I had to be any kind of police, it would be the stripper police guys. You know them? Girls apparently think they're-"

"Ew, Colby. If you became a male stripper, I'd never speak to you again." I told him, even though that stupid voice thought I wouldn't speak to you, because I'd be too busy forcing you to give me a lap dance. It'd be weird at first, but as soon as the clothes come- Thankfully, I managed to get it to shut up.

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