Chapter 2

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It was the last day of the summer Ben and Hux could spend together. They'd spent the summer going to movies, watching TV, sleeping over at Han's and going to the mall with Finn, Rey and Poe. Ben had lost track of time but surprisingly, when the final day of Hux being in America came, he didn't cry and he hardly felt sad. He felt satisfied, knowing that he had spent as much time with Hux as he could. They didn't even do anything sexual and besides making out and holding hands, hardly anything romantic. They just had fun with their friends nearly everyday, and that's what made Ben feel more satisfied than anything.

Ben was clumsily fishing his phone out of his pocket, with Hux behind him, laughing. They were at the Starbucks almost next to Han's house (Ben didn't work at that one, he didn't even work at a Starbucks anymore because Han was now paying for his tuition), and they were just going to pick something up quick for everyone. They were planning to go to Ben's Uncle Luke's place afterward to spend some time there, and Luke let Ben know what they wanted from Starbucks.

It was 2 o'clock. The line was somewhat reasonable, and Hux and Ben were 5th in line. Ben looked at the menu and felt Hux's hand squeezed his tighter. Ben looked back over at Hux, who was looking at him expectantly. "What?" He asked.

"The lady over there said she'd help whoever was next in line, let's go." Hux said. Ben nodded and lead them toward her.

He opened the text from Luke and said to the lady, "Er, good afternoon. Can I have..." He looked down at his phone again and read off the text from Luke, "A tall vanilla iced coffee and a venti mango black tea?"

"Sure," the lady typed in the order, wrote it down on a piece of paper and quickly handed it off to the barista. She looked back at Ben, smiling. "Anything else I can get for you today?"

"Yeah, 2 grande vanilla frappucinos."
Ben paid with the Starbucks app on his phone and he and Hux went to wait on their orders.

Today wasn't a friend day, really. Finn had to go to a kendo sword fighting tournament today and Poe was spending the last couple of days in Miami. So they didn't really have anyone but Rey. Ben wasn't that close to any of his old friends from high school anymore, he'd texted them sometimes but they never visited each other. He remembered Hux saying he never saw anyone from drama outside college, really.

So today was technically for Hux and Ben to depend as much time together a possible for Hux's last day. The night before they'd texted each other their plans, saying that they could relive their first dates. Ben knew it was cheesy, but he didn't really care. He'd do whatever the hell he wanted to do if it was the last time he'd be seeing his boyfriend in months, probably.

Hux said, "Hey Ben, do you know what we'd do if we go over to your uncle's house? You know, since our reservation for the Cheesecake Factory isn't until around 6 hours, and stuff."

Ben widened his eyes. "Oh yeah, you haven't met Luke! He's nice. A little bit of family confusion happened before I was born but he's my mum's brother, and he and my dad act like brothers too. He's gonna be happy to meet you, I've told him a lot about you." Which was true. His uncle said it was adorable, and Ben was happy he's finally get to meet Hux today.

Hux nodded. Then the drinks came in a brown tray. Hux thanked the barista and they left. Hux called up an Uber and Ben gave the driver the address. When they started to drive, Ben looked over at Hux and said, "I can't believe you're here when you should be packing, haha."

Hux raised an eyebrow and said, "You know I finished packing 2 weeks ago. I told you."

"Yeah, but still, it's surprising that you're sleeping over at my uncle's house tonight, and all your stuff is there, and we get to drive you to the airport, and my dad and Rey are there, it's all kind of cool, even if you are leaving me."

Hux sighed through his nose, patting Ben's hand. "I don't wanna go."

"I know."

"I didn't want to say goodbye to Professor Snoke for the last time probably, and I don't want to stop acting for neurology, and I sure as hell don't want to leave you, or Rey, or Finn or Poe."

"I know you don't. But I'm a TA for Snoke this year, and maybe when you come back you can see him again? He's gonna remember you, you were like one of his favourite people. And then for acting, you could still do plays on the side, you don't have to give it up completely."

"Yeah, probably."

"And then you can call me every day! Also, you're not gonna be alone you know, you got Millicent."

Ben laughed a bit. Hux laughed at the mention of his cat. "Yeah, I got her."

A few more minutes and they'd arrived at Luke's house. Rey was sitting outside, watering the flowers. When she saw Ben she hugged him like she hadn't just seen him yesterday. She gave Hux a hug too.

"My dad's inside the house, Brendol. He's gonna love ya." Rey squished Hux's cheeks and Ben laughed. They went inside.

Ben watched as Hux approached Luke with a smile and shook his hand. He smiled a bit and put down the drinks. Rey said she wanted to do the PlayStation 4 and dragged Ben into the living room. While the game was loading, Ben looked over at Hux and Luke again to see Hux speaking and Luke laughing. They had their coffees with them. Ben was happy they were bonding.

Three hours later, Ben and Rey's thumbs were sore from playing the PlayStation 4, and Luke and Hux's voices were exhausted from cheering them on. Luke turned on a Netflix movie called About Time, a movie about an Irish guy who could travel through time that fell in love with an American girl.

"Haha," Hux said, snuggling next to Ben. He pointed his chin at the screen, where the guy was talking to the girl sitting down. "That's kinda how we fell in love- at a party." Hux whispered

Ben nodded, smiling a bit. He kept his eyes glued to the screen.

When the movie was done 2 hours later, Rey decided that they'd watch an episode of Game of Thrones. After they were finished, it was time for Hux and Ben to go to the Cheesecake Factory.

"We can't be late for our reservation," Ben said, jumping off the couch and slipping on his black jean jacket. "They would probably kick us out."

Hux followed, slipping his hand back into Ben's. They waved goodbye to Luke and Rey as they walked out the door.

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