Chapter 4

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Authors note: Sorry for not updating in a week! Super busy... but now I'm here :))


"You know, kid." Han said without turning to face Hux. "We're all going to miss you a lot."

"I know, sir, I have no doubt that you guys will miss me." Hux replied. "I'm going to miss you like crazy."

Han nodded, smiling at Hux through the mirror and kept his eyes on the road.

Ben had hardly said two words to anyone on the drive to the airport. It was funny how you can really understand someone even when they say nothing. Hux could tell how he was devastated that Hux was going to England for nearly a year. That their first school year together was their last. Hux tried not to be over dramatic about it and kept his mouth shut for most of the ride.

Ben was playing with a piece of his hair: something he did when he was distracted and/or trying to forget something. His other hand was in Hux's. His eyes roamed out the window.

Hux could understand why Ben wasn't speaking, so he left him alone. Rey had suggested that to talk to each other they could just mail each other, but the post system in America and England was shit. Everyone knew that. And besides, no one wrote letters anymore at all. Everything was digitalised. Rey was in the front seat humming to herself and she occasionally looked back to Hux and Ben and asked if they were okay. It was the same answer from both of them every time: "We're fine." But Hux knew that the both of them were obviously not.

Soon, they had reached the airport. Hux got out of the car and went to the backseat to get Millicent's cage and his single suitcase, he only one small enough he could take on the flight. It was also the only bag with his necessities. Non-necessary things, etc. had been shipped a week before to Starkiller, with the help of the headmistress (she never used her name, everyone just called her the headmistress).

"Well, this is where I leave you." Hux smiled sadly at Ben.

"Au revoir, dude." Rey said, making Hux laugh a bit. He walked up to give her a hug.

"Goodbye, son." Han gave Hux a hug after he let go of Rey. Rey let Millicent lick her fingers as a goodbye and went back into the car, waving a final goodbye to Hux. Han stepped back into the car, leaving Hux and Ben facing each other.

"Call. Every day. Or try to. I can understand if you can't, like, you know with school and stuff." Ben said.

"Yeah." Hux looked at the airport's entrance, then back at Ben. "I love you so, so much, you know that, right?" Hux asked.

Ben leaned down to give Hux a slow, sweet kiss on the mouth. Hux's eyes fluttered shut and he let his free hand move its way onto Ben's muscular chest. They both let go, Hux took Ben's hand and Ben answered, "Of course I do, love."

Hux started to laugh again. "I wish-"

"No, don't say it. I'm proud of you. You're going to be a great man and a great neurologist, so get on that plane and make me proud." Ben said, smiling. "I wish you didn't have to leave too, but you have to do this. You're going to be absolutely brilliant, I know it."

Hux sniffed, starting to tear up. He could see the tears in Ben's eyes as well.

Ben nodded, sniffing. "I love you."

Wild ♥︎ Book 2 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora