Chapter 8

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Author's note: Hey guys! If you like Marvel I think you should check out my Stucky fanfiction. It's called Twist So Good and it's about 8.5k words. I also have it published on my ao3 which is thefirstdisorder. My main Instagram is thatskinnyscottishbloke, and the 2 that I co-own are called sithbcky and trashofthefandoms. Betcha you'll love them.

It always kept happening to him. Ben would be just sitting down and chilling and before he knew it he was napping. This time he had fallen asleep right on top of his papers, and Rey didn't even know he was asleep. She was in the other room tidying the kitchen.

Ben was having what Rey would call "cute" and Ben would call "cheesy" of a dream. He was dreaming of him and Hux grabbing ice cream and walking through the park with Chewie, just laughing, talking and being their regular selves. They'd done a lot of that over the summer and Ben had gotten so used to it that he had taken it for granted and the only time he had really, really appreciated those moments was when Hux went away.

He kept hearing this ringing sound in the dream.

The noise had woken him up and he blinked and yawned. Ben looked at the massive amount of papers he still had to grade and sighed. He still heard the noise. He traced it to his pocket and finally found out that his oboe was ringing. Ben had no idea why he had the volume turned up so high.

Ben checked the caller and took a double take.

After 5 entire days he was obviously overjoyed to see the love of his life's name on his phone screen calling him. He pressed the button as fast as he could but it was too late. The call ended.

"Damn," Ben cursed under his breath. Quickly, he opened up his phone and looked at his recently called and people who recently called him. Hux was at the top of both of those lists, and Ben could see that he had called 3 times. Ben didn't know he could sleep that strong, and he consciously turned down the volume on his phone. Then he called back Hux, who picked up immediately.

"I love you." Was the first thing Ben said quickly.

Hux laughed a bit. "You were not excited to hear from me at all Ben, were you? I love you too." He paused and then said, "I guess I owe you an explanation. I was doing a project for Starkiller that I only had a week to do and it took up all my time. But everything's good now. I hope I didn't worry you."

"Well... I was a bit worried but now I'm fine. I hope the project went well, love."

Hux laughed out loud. Ben felt like he could listen to him laugh for the rest of his life and never get tired of it. "Oh my goodness, that nickname. That's so old now."

"True. But it suits you, definitely. How was your first day of being a neurologist in training?"

"Boring as hell. But at the same time I really liked it. Millicent has adapted to her new environment very well. How about your first day of being a teacher assistant for our Supreme Leader?"

Ben snorted at their nickname for Professor Snoke. They started calling him Supreme Leader sometime in the middle of last year because they had noticed that he had a huge influence on  a lot of students and teachers. Most of the non-drama kids were scared of him because of this and it was because they didn't know how much of a nice man he was. One day when Hux was helping the class out with a difficult script assignment, Ben left his group during a short break and went up to Hux (the class had no idea the two were dating) and whispered to him with exhaustion in his voice, "I am sick of doing all this work that the Supreme Leader Snoke gives us, I just wanna go to your frat house room and kiss you."

Hux laughed out and said playfully, "Careful, Ben, that your personal interests don't interfere with orders from Supreme Leader Snoke." An like that, the name stuck.

Now, Ben said, "He gave me a shitload of papers to grade of course. You told me it was bad, but not THIS bad."

"Haha. It gets easy after a while. But um, Ben, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Smartass. And this is just out of curiosity... but do you still remember what Ellen looked like?"

Ben wasn't expecting the question, but he sighed a bit through his nose and said, "Sure, yeah. She was pretty tall... almost as tall as me actually. And she had short platinum blonde hair that was in a pixie cut. Why do you ask?"

Ben heard Hux click his tongue. "She sits next to me in my neurology class, Ben."

Ben's mouth dropped. That wasn't possible, so he laughed and said, "Nah. No way. Ellen wouldn't be in your class because she didn't want to be a neurologist. She wanted to be an actor, like me."

"Well, she must've changed her mind last year because the exact same Ellen Phasma with the exact name and description sits next to me in my class at Starkiller neurology and is assigned to work a project with me. I don't believe it either, Ben."

Ben was lost for words. He said quietly, "I believe you actually. Ellen was unique. I haven't seen another girl like her like, ever. B-but it's surprising to me, you know? My ex-girlfriend had just been assigned to do a project with the boy I love, and both are halfway across the world from me. It's all just... weird."

"I know what you mean. You're taking this surprisingly well, Ben."

"Haha. There isn't really any other way to take it. There's nothing I can do about it even if I wanted to do something about it, which I don't. I'm just surprised, Brendol."

"That's a very great answer, Ben. It's almost as if your intermittent explosive disorder is completely gone."

"It might be, actually. I've got all I need. I've got the best boyfriend in the world, I've got amazing friends and a loving cousin and dad. Some people got it way worse and I need to be content and appreciate what I have."

"Wow, Ben. I'm so happy you see that, that's amazing. Maybe I'll write about that if Starkiller ever gives us an assignment a bit intermittent explosive disorder. It can be fixed by love and happiness."

"Good god, Brendol. That sounds like some sissy shit. But I'm sure you'll do great on the assignment- if you get one."

"I agree that it'll be sissy shit, but you know it's true."

"Yeah, haha."

"How is your dad and Rey and Finn and Poe by the way?"

"They're all doing great. And how is Ellen?"

"I have to pretend that I know nothing about her, which is easy. She hasn't mentioned you, though. Also, she seems pretty cheerful."

"Cool. Glad to hear that. Even though we no longer talk or interact, I still want for her to be happy, Brendol. She deserves it still. I almost kind of want to see her again."

"You probably will. Maybe someday."

"Yeah. Maybe someday."

"Ben, I don't want to make it seem like I don't wanna talk to you, but it's pretty late for me. I just called because I really missed hearing your voice and I promised you I would call. I'm exhausted, but I'll call very soon again, alright?"

"Well, okay. I was grading Snoke's pile of hell when you called anyway, and I wanna finish soon. So goodnight, love?"

"Goodnight, Ben. I love you so much."

"Love you more." And then Ben hung up, smiling briefly as he turned back to the pile of papers.

Wild ♥︎ Book 2 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें