Chapter 20

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Authors Note: I just added some details to my drarry minific: the new Draco. I ask that you go and check it out please, and thank you.

Also, only 4 more chapters after this, yikessss! But it's not time to say goodbye yet. I still have A LOT of writing and reading to do for the kylux fandom in general and bit more writing to do for Wild. And of course, there is still one more book left in the Kylux Trilogy.

The Kylux fandom is amazing. It's so full of such creative writers and artists that come up with these amazing fanfictions and AUs and fanart, and I can only wish that I can do half of what these people can do. I know I'm a good writer, but the Kylux fandom is just jaw-dropping. The Kylux fandom is a bit like the Hotel California, in a way. Once you're in, you can never leave (in a good way of course :D)

That was a long-ass author's note. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. - staygoldstiles


"It was just so great to hear from you." Ellen sniffed. "So you said I can come over sometime?"

"Yes, if you want. Over Christmas break or something. It would be a pleasure to see your face again."

"And me, about you. Hux is coming over for Christmas, you know, and a couple of my friends and family members, are you having anyone?"

"Yes, a ton of my aunts and uncles and cousins. My parents said I can't have any friends over for Christmas. Oh, and Ben, I've heard the way that Hux speaks of you, and the way you speak of him. You two really are in love."

"Yes, and it feels amazing."

"Did we ever have that, Ben? That mushy, sappy, 'I'm in love with everything about you' stuff?"

Ben laughed. "Ellen Phasma, what do you think?"

The two of them said their goodbyes. Ben put down his phone, taking it all in. He couldn't believe that he was on friendly terms with his ex. That someone he used to be in love with, then tried so hard to forget, was now on friendly terms with him. And in the strangest way possible, they had started speaking again.

Ben got up and turned around. Rey was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, eyes word and eyebrows lifted. Ben smirked a bit, asking her, "How long were you there, Rey?"

"I just got in here." Rey said. "Well, I'm technically still in the kitchen but I just got to the doorway like, 3 seconds ago." The brunette brought her voice down to a surprised whisper. "Was that Ellen Phasma you were talking to???"

"Yep. That was Ellen." Ben said simply. "I think it's safe to say that me and Ellen are back on speaking terms; you could probably even consider us friends. I- I gotta admit that I'm pretty shocked myself. I never thought that I would speak to my ex-girlfriend again, much less through the phone call of my current boyfriend. It's all pretty surprising to me."

Rey nodded, leaving the doorway and slowly walking over to Ben's bed. She sat next to Ben and looked out the window. Because of the season changes, the sun was now setting extra early. There was a sunset outside and it painted the sky in swirls of orange, red and purple. Ben noticed the sunset and realised that the only thing that would make it more beautiful was if it had snowed and he and Hux were standing in the snow, enjoying the breathtaking sunset together.

"Well, people surprise you sometimes." Rey stated after a moment, a small smile making its way onto her face. She looked over at Ben, patting him on the back. "This whole thing with Ellen is pretty amazing, Ben. I never thought I would ever hear actual news of you and Ellen every again. I thought that 'you and Ellen' was a thing of the past. But it's not."

"It technically is. Ellen and I will never be a couple again, but hey, at least we're friends, right? And hearing her voice just made me realise how much I missed her. I feel like she's going to be a really good friend."

"I feel like she will, too," Rey said. "And I can't wait to see her again."

"Me too. Brendol also shared some news with me. He's made a new friend at Starkiller base. His name's Dopheld Mitaka."

"Dopheld?" Rey asked, confused. "Strange name. He a nice guy?"

"Seems that way. Otherwise I don't think that he and Brendol would be friends. Brendol says that the two of us a lot in common with each other as well."

"Sounds cool. Do we get to meet him?"

"Probably at some point. Gotta meet Ellen first, right?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Ben looked at Rey out the the corner of his eye. For a while, he hadn't stopped to tell her how much he appreciated her. Rey had nearly the same amount of school work as he did, and she also managed to do her aerodynamics classes (not Leia's), cook most of the time for both of them,m and so much more that Ben couldn't even begin to list at the moment. "Hey, Rey?" He asked.

"Yeah?" She answered, raising a brow.

"Um, I know I never tell you this anymore, but I thought I should tell you once again that I appreciate you being my cousin so much. Like, I wouldn't want to have it any other way. You do so much for me and you're positive all the time; you're my anchor, Rey. You're the best cousin that anyone could ask for, and I love you, okay?"

Rey looked speechless for a moment. Then she pulled Ben into a hug, resting her head on his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me that all the time for me to know that you love me. It's the little things that you do that show me that you love me. Like when you check up on me when I'm doing my homework... or when you cook for us- or try." Ben laughed. "Or when you watch the shows that I want to watch on TV so you can see me happy, or when you laugh at my jokes, and a lot of them are stupid, I'll admit. That's what tells me that you love me, and it shows me what families do for each other."

Ben nodded, smiling. "Anyone you share blood with can be kin," He started. "But it takes love to be a family."

Rey smiled. "Exactly." She laughed a bit, shaking her head. "Oh my gosh, Ben, you're so wise beyond your years that sometimes I forget you're only nineteen."

"You're only nineteen too, Rey. You're only a couple months younger than me." He reminded her, laughing.

"Oh yeah." Rey said. They both started to laugh and Ben was filled with gratitude.

"Okay. This whole moment has gotten too sappy, even for me." Rey said in a joking tone.

"That's very true. But I'm glad we had this conversation."

"Yeah, me too."

"Say," Ben started, his voice filling with curiosity. "What were you doing inside the kitchen, anyway? We had dinner hours ago and it's almost time to sleep."

"I was making tea."

"Oh my goodness, Rey." Ben smirked a bit. "It's nearly midnight, how are you supposed to sleep with all that caffeine?"

"It's chamomile. That's the type that helps you sleep. Besides," Rey paused, smiling for lightly and tilting her chin up at Ben. "The best conversations are always made around midnight."

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