Chapter 21

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"How is the young Brendol, anyway?" Professor Snoke asked Ben as he sipped his small mug of jasmine tea. The mug had "My #1 Teacher" plastered to the front.

Ben scribbled an improvement note on one of Snoke's student's papers. "He seems to be doing great." He said, smiling at the thought of Hux on his mind.

It was the next day, and there was still another half hour of drama class to be finished. Ben was busy grading papers as Snoke answered emails, and to not have awkward silence, Ben was making small talk with his favourite teacher.

Ben nodded at the mug. "Who gave you that?"

Snoke swallowed his tea and glanced at his mug. "Oh, this. Lovely gift from Aaliyah, one of my old students. If I remember correctly, you were in drama with her last year."

"Aaliyah." Ben thought back to last year in drama. He remembered Aaliyah as a girl with dark skin and blue hair who took a long vacation at the beginning of the year, and she was supposed to be Ben's partner in their scenes. Because she was never around, Hux did his job as a TA and replaced her has his partner. The fact that Ben and Hux did scenes together had been a big part in the interaction they had at the beginning of last year. If Aaliyah was there to be Ben's partner, Ben and Hux probably wouldn't have talked as much as they did back then, and they definitely wouldn't be in a relationship now. "Yeah. I remember her."

"Sweet girl. Wild hair." Snoke chuckled.

Ben nodded. "She had nice hair. Does she still do drama?"

"No. She gave me this as a goodbye present. Her parents made her switch majors. She said that she would be taking biology." Snoke eyed Ben. "Did you want to speak with her?"

"Kind of. I had something I wanted to thank her for." Ben also remembered that Aaliyah had shipped him and Hux.

"Oh. Well, you could just look around for her after class, if you're not busy. Or you could send her an email via your school account."

Ben remembered his school email. He never used it, but he remembered that t was his last name, then his first name and then the website. That meant it would be the same for other students. "Thank you, Professor. What was her last name? Oh, never mind I remember."

Snoke put down his mug and went back to his emails. Ben pulled out his laptop and typed up an email for Aaliyah:

"Hey, Aaliyah.

I don't know if you remember me, but this should jog your memory. I never told you this before, but me and Brendol Hux are now together. We kept the news of our relationship u see really tight wraps last year and we never really told anyone except for our close, mutual friends about it. But I remember that you shopped us together, so I thought I should tell you that we are now officially 'a thing'.

I hope you're doing fine, Aaliyah. Professor Snoke just mentioned that you have a new major, so good luck with that. I wanted to thank you because your absence at the beginning of the year was the reason that Brendol became my scene partner and the reason the two of us started talking. We probably wouldn't be in a relationship if it wasn't for you, and I wanted to express my thanks for that.


Benjamin Solo."

He sent it to her and noticed that he still had a huge pile of papers to grade. But suddenly, with gratitude, Hux, and determination on his mind, the pile didn't look so bad anymore.


"And she got back to you on it?" Hux asked.

"She hasn't answered yet. I hope that she does, though. She probably will."
Said Ben.

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